Recent Questions
Q: Can you tell me if I can eliminate the transparent look of the dhtml rollover?
When the menu drops down over text, you can see the text.
What can Ido to fix it.
A: You should set the following parameter:
var transparency="100";
Q: Is it possible to change from a default target setting for all links to _self target for onsite links and _blank target for offsite links?
A: You can set target parameter for each item.
See menuItems parameter:
var menuItems =
["Home","testlink.html","icon.gif","iconover.gif","Home Tip",target,"1"],
["|Our Products","testlink.html","icon1.gif","icon2.gif","Our Products Tip","_blank",,"0"],
Q: Also, I was wondering about adding some css (style="cursor:pointer") so when someone is over the javascript pop menu it will turn into a hand and the user will know it is clickable.
A: Set the following javascript pop menu parameter:
var itemCursor="pointer";
Q: I have found (was it like this before??) that if I right-mouse-click over a menuitem then I do not see any option to open the URL in new window....
I do not get any options at all to open the URL in new window (or same window), in the browser context menu (both IE and Firefox).
A: No, Deluxe Menu doesn't have such a feature. This is only text, not alink. And we won't change it. Because now you're able to paste anyhtml code within menu item.
var menuItems = [
You can write your links in the following way:
["Channels","", , , , , , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>google</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>Market</a>","", , , , "_", , , , ],
And create a style: {
color: #000;
text-decoration: none;} {
color: #000;
text-decoration: underline;}