Recent Questions
Q: I have been using the trial deluxe menu with the deluxe tuner tocreate a menu and have run into a problem.
The menu is based on the following template:
Vista Styles (Part 2) Vista Style 1.
When I saved the menu file to put into an html file I followedthe instructions on the screen to save all the files to the folderwhere I wanted the menu to appear in an html., and then followedthe instructions to paste the menu into the html file where Iwanted the menu to appear.
It is not working. It seems as though something is left out ofthe code, or perhaps not all the necessary files are being copied.The menu appears perfectly in the deluxe tuner preview screen, butnot when I try to save it and use it elsewhere.
I have included all the files, including the instructions thatcame up when I saved the menu, in the attached zip file and wonderif you might take a look at it and tell me what I am doing wrong and/or leaving out.
Can you help?
A: Your menu works fine.
But you should paste
into "data-NINnew.files" folder.
Q: Now I experiences a problem with the Danish letters in my java menu scripts! I have changed the letters in the scriptfile - but this does not work Have we a problem with Danish letters like: ø, å, æ?
A: Please, check that you've set "Tools/Use utf8 encode".
Notice that you should have UTF8 charset on your page too:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html" charset="UTF-8">
You can also use another charset on your html page and open your data file in text editor, enter thissymbols and save data file in the way you save your html page.
Notice that you should turn off "Tools/Use utf8 encode" setting inorder to open your data file correctly in Deluxe Tuner.
Q: Hello, Could you please help me with an alignnment issue with my website. If you go to mt website you will see the problem. I set the x alignment to=266 but the y alignment is left blank because I would like to keep the menu centered on the site.
A: If you want to center the menu paste itwithin the <div> or <table> with a static position and specify a center alignment for it, for example:
<DIV align=center>
<SCRIPT src="data/data.js" type=text/javascript>
Please, set exact value for var menuWidth parameter, for example:
var menuWidth = "300px";
This can help to align your menu correctly in all browsers.
Try also to specify units in "px".
Set also:
var absolutePos = 0;
Try that.
Q: There seems to be a "glitch" when I use Firefox.
I have rebuilt the page twice but I always end up with themenu floating to the left, instead of under the main menu (the second or third mouseover will correct the issue). Also, sometimes I have to mouseover twice before the submenu comes up (in I.E.).
I have validated...however I wondered if there could be a conflict in the javascripting (yours and mine). Any suggestions?
A: The reason is in your <!DOCTYPE>.
Try to specify units in "px".
var menuWidth="780px";
var menuHeight="27px";
var smWidth="200px";
var smHeight="200px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
You can also try to set the following parameter:
var dm_writeAll=1;