Recent Questions
Q: I have been playing around with the demo version 2.4 of deluxe tabs, and have a couple of questions & comments:
Deluxe Tabs appears to not work at all on Windows Vista machines running Internet Explorer. This includes for example that the content in the dhtml tabs simply does not appear. Is there a fix for this?
Just want to make sure I can resolve these issues before making a purchase.
A: Try to use the latest version of Deluxe Tabs v3.2.9.
Try to delete height: 0%; parameter from the styles:
<div id="content1" style="height: 0%; visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage">
So you'll have:
<div id="content1" style="visibility: hidden;" class="tabPage"> Q: I got the menu to display across frames, but it displays differently in Firefox & Mozillavs. Internet Explorer. Is that to be expected?
In The Mozilla-based browsers, the submenu butts right upunder the main menu – which is how I want it. In IE, it is about 10 pixels below.
Also, I can’t get the submenus to drop down directly under the main menus – they are offset by about 100 pixels to the right.
A: The problem is in a structure of your frameset.
Mozilla browsers can't determine absolute coordinates for a frame, sosubmenus drop down with an offset.
You should create the following frameset structure:
   | menu
   | submenus
Now a top row has 2 columns and all browsers can determine awidth of the 1st column in the second row.
Q: I'd like to re order the position of the drop down menu's items (by example) the cities.
E-city etc.....
B-city had to come under A-city, how can we do that?
Thank you
A: I'm not sure I understand where you would like to change the position.In Deluxe Tuner or dynamically on your html page.
To move items in Deluxe Tuner select items you want and use a mouse drag'n'drop method.
See the attached screenshot. Click on the item you want to move.Move your mouse in the correct place (holding left mouse button).Wait till you'll have gray line in the place where you want to insertthe item and release mouse button.
To dynamically change your items you can use the following API function:function dm_ext_changeItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, iParams)
See more info: Hi. I have the following problem with deluxe-menu:
Created flash drop menu doesn’t show up in IE7, but works properly in Firefox. Tried to play with IE7 security settings – doesn’t help. You can see it at if youlike.
A: Try to set width in "px" for the menu.
var menuWidth="450px";