Recent Questions
Q: My menu is working very well in IE 7.0, and almost very well in FF 2.0.
In your faq, you mention the following:
Fix for flash in Firefox!
If you don't want the flash to hide under submenus in Firefox you should do the following things:
However, I do want the flash to hide under submenus, like it does in IE when I set var dmObjectsCheck = 1;
My menu is beneath my flash.
A: If for some reasons a submenu can't drop down over an object the latter will be hidden for a time when the submenu is shown.
If you don't want to have such effect you should follow these steps.
Q: Is it possible to use an external file with these applets? Have tried
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="myscript.js">
but it does not work!
Any suggestions? I have one site with many pages, it would be handy not to have to change 20 pages just to modify one link.
A: You can use "menuItemsFile" param, example
<param name="menuItemsFile" value="menu1.txt">
The menu menu items are in menu1.txt, so you'll need to changeonly this menu1.txt if it necessary to add/remove/change items.
See also example:
Q: We are trying to evaluate your software for use on our redesigned website.
Dhtml scrolling menu look great in Firefox but when we open the same page in IE it is ugly.
A: The reason is in the following code:
<DIV id=header><IMG hspace=0 src="menu_files/nmwaLogoTop.gif" align=left border=0> </DIV>
Delete align=left from the <IMG> tag:
<DIV id=header><IMG hspace=0 src="menu_files/nmwaLogoTop.gif" border=0> </DIV>
Q: I'm having an issue with horizontal alignment of Deluxe Menu.
The alighment is off to the right in Firefox... How can I correct the alignment of Deluxe Menu in FireFox?
A: Please, see dropdown menu parameters. They contains:
var menuWidth="0";
Please, set exact value for this parameter, for example:
var menuWidth="400px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers.
It helps to position Deluxe menu correctly.