Recent Questions
Q: Now I am coming across one more problem...
The alignment of the menu is off.
Where I can download previous versions of the menu?
A: I suppose that you're saying about submenu position.
Please, check the following parameters
var topDX=0;
var DX=0;
You can download trial package from the following links:
Q: Sub menu is opened on mouseover only.But our requirement is that submenu for horizontal menu should be open onclick of mouse event. Could you please suggest us if we are missing something?
A: Try to use the following parameters:
var showByClick=1;Q: Is there any way to keep the cursor as default on disabled links? I see that there's a general cursor choice, is there any chance to make it individually?
A: Unfortunately you cannot set cursor type individually for all items.
You can set it only for whole items.
You can try to set a cursor for your <img> tag. for example:
["<img src='deluxe-menu.files/sep_mac.gif' style='cursor: default;'>","", "", "", "", "_", "-1", "0", "", ],
You can also try to set
var itemCursor="default";
for all items and use <a> tags for all links:
["<a href='index.html' target='_blank' class='link'>Home</a>","", "", "", "", "Return to Index page", "", "0", "", ],
And create styles
color: #FFFFFF;}
color: #FFBEBE;}
Q: Is it possible to place the icons on the right side of the menu items for the navigation bar script?
A: Unfortunately there is no such option. But you can use html code inside item's text, forexample:
["Purchase <img src='default.files/icon1.gif'>","", "", "", "", "_blank", "", "", "", "", "", ],