Recent Questions
Q: Can youtell me which transition is the regular traditional transition with no effects for the dhtml navigation?
A: You can use
var transition=0;
if you don't want to use transition you should set:
var transition=0;
var transOptions="";
var transDuration=0;
var transDuration2=0;
Q: I am using JavaScript Deluxe Menu v3.1 and have some problem with the doctype declaration. If I use the declaration:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
the menuBackImage and itemBackImage images do not display properly. Check with and without doctype declaration. Is there a known fix for this?
A: You should specify units in "px" for the javascript menu object.
var itemPadding="15px 10px 0px 20px";
var menuStyles = [
["smColumns=2","itemPadding=25px 10px 10px 10px"],
["itemPadding=25px 10px 10px 20px"],
["menuBackImage=img/nahbp_1.gif","itemPadding=25px 10px 10px 20px"],
Q: I purchased your product yesterday and was quite impressed, but I am having a bit of a problem with my submenuitems. In the general menu properties there is a "Global" var titemHeight = 22; My problem is that I would like my upper level of my free tree menu to have one itemheight and my submenuitems to have a smaller height. Is this possible?
A: In the XP Style
var tXPStyle=1;
the item's height for the top items and submenus will be different.
If you want to use
var tXPStyle=0;
you can set ite's height for the submenus:
var titemHeight=16;
And for other items use the blank icon with the height you want to have for the upperlevel of your menu items.
Q: I'm trying out your cool dropdown menu code.
I'm trying to rebuild my menu like this one
I have a problem. In my case, I have some really long labels and some short ones. In some cases my text is larger than the button (see attachment). In your example all the buttons have the same width. Is it possible to have a Vista styled menu with different width for the buttons?
A: See images in Vista Templates have the fixed width and height (92 x 21).
If you want to change items' width/height you should change images.
You can do it in any graph editor, for example in Adobe PhotoShop.
You should also change items width in your Individual Item Style.
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=92px","itemBorderWidth=0","fontStyle=normal 11pxTahoma","fontColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBackImage=btn_cyan.gif,btn_cyan2.gif"],
You can do it in Deluxe Tuner.