Recent Questions
Q: When I load a page with dhtml menu sample, lets say contact, the first tab is always highlighted, not the contact tab
A: I suppose that you've set the following parameter:
var bselectedItem=1;
So, the first tab is always highlighted.
This Tab menu can save pressed item automatically within1 page only. If you open another page, the menu can't remember presseditem. You should do that manually using Javascript and menu parameters( var bselectedItem, var bselectedSmItem) or using any server-sidescript (php, asp, etc.)
You should delete this parameter from your data file and write thefollowing code on each page before you call your data file, for example:
<script language="JavaScript1.2>
var bselectedItem = 3;
Q: I need to include backgroundimages for my navigation, so I put them in the same folder where the "data.js" file can be found. I am using the deluxe tuner in order to call these files and it looks great in the preview. As soon as I save the file and load it in the browser, the background images are missing.
Any solutions for this problem?
A: Now you have such paths for all your images data.files/image.gif
var itemStyles = [
But you don't have images in "data.files/" folder. That's why youcan't see them.
Please, check all your paths.
You can use additional parameters to make menu paths absolute:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
These parameters allow to make images and links paths absolute.
For example:
var pathPrefix_img = "";
var pathPrefix_link = "";
var menuItems = [
["text", "index.html", "icon1.gif", "icon2.gif"],
So, link path will be look so:
Images paths will be look so:
Please, try to use these parameters.
Q: Thank you in advance for reviewing my question. By the way, I love the software and the menus it creates!
Question: I would like my horizontal menu buttons all have a uniform width, for example, all 7 top level buttons 120 pixels wide. I am not finding this setting in the available parameters.
Is there a way to do this? Any assistance would be appreciated.
A: You should create Individual Style and assign it for all top items.
var itemStyles = [
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["Product Info","", "deluxe-menu.files/icon1.gif", "deluxe-menu.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
Q: When I create a tree menu that can be expanded with the double arrows. I was wonder if there was a way to have the dhtml slide tree menu already expanded with I open the page the menu is on instead of having to expanded every time.
A: To expand items by default in Deluxe Tree you should add '+' symbolbefore item text.
Foe example:
["+Deluxe Tree: XP Style","", "default.files/xpicon1_s.gif", "", "", "XP Title Tip", "", "0", "", ],
["|Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", ],
["|Product Info","", "default.files/icon2_s.gif", "default.files/icon2_so.gif", "", "Product Info Tip", "", "", "", ],
["||What's New","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||Features","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
The following parameter expands all menu items by default:
var texpanded=1;