Recent Questions
Q: I have images that I want to use for the top level of the menu. How do I create a menu using images that were created in a different program? I tried to look in the frequently asked questions but IcouldnТt find anything that told me how. Thank you in advance for your help.
A: You can use any image for the top items.
You can set
var itemBackImage=["",""];
Or, create Individual style
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=92px","itemBorderWidth=0","fontStyle=normal 11px Tahoma","fontColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBackImage=data-vista-03.files/btn_magentablack.gif,data-vista-03.files/btn_magenta.gif"],
The new method of making image-based menus: if item text is empty, icon fields will be used as item images.
For example:
["", "index.html", "itemImageNormal.gif", "itemImageOver.gif", "Home Page"]
Q: I want to use
function dtreet_ext_userRightClick(itemID) {
alert(itemID[0]); ???
return false;
But how do I refer to tmenuItems array using itemID in the javascript?
For example, if I want to pop a link text, should I use alert(itemID[0]))?
It doesn't work.
Please let me know how I refer to the menu.
A: You should use the following function to get item's info:
dtreet_ext_getItemParams (0, itemID);
For example:
<script type="text/javascript">
function dtreet_ext_userRightClick(itemID)
{ var link = [];
link = dtreet_ext_getItemParams (0, itemID);
//Returns item parameters in the array:
// [item_id, index_within_submenu, parentID, level, has_child, child_count, expanded, text, link, target, tip, align, icons, hidden, disabled, visible]
return false;
Q: We are using the deluxe menu in one of our projects. The menu works well on our integration system but not on our production system.
The only difference is that the integration is running on Tomcat Version 5.5.9 and the production (with the "broken" menu) on Tomcat 5.5.17.
But for me it looks more like a browser problem than a JSP problem.
Unfortunatley the Tomcat 5.5.17 is our production system so fast help is appreciated.
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
Make sure that you have dmenu_add.js file in the same folder withdmenu.js file.
Q: I would like the cursor to change to a hand when over a drop down menu link...
A: Try to set this parameter to your drop down menu:
var itemCursor="pointer";