Recent Questions
Q: For the dhtml tree that I purchased, can I choose what menus will be expanded or collapsed when the user first comes to the webpage forthe first time?
A: You can expand some items by default.
Add '+' sign before items text in that case:
["+Deluxe Tree: XP Style","", "deluxe-tree.files/xpicon1_s.gif", "", "", "XP Title Tip", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Home","testlink.htm", "deluxe-tree.files/icon1_s.gif", "deluxe-tree.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "", "", "", "data-new.js", ],
"Deluxe Tree: XP Style" item will be expanded by default in that case.
Use var texpanded=1; parameter to expand all menu items by default.
Use function dtreet_ext_expandItem (itemID, expand) API function to expand the specificmenu items dynamically: When I click into a field and the calendar pops up that it doesn't pick up the date/time values.
I can display time in 12 or 24 hour format - however for the selection it only allows 24 hour format. My boss is yelling at me that it has to be in 12 hour selectable format.
A: > when I click into a field and the calendar pops up that it doesn't
> pick up the date/time values.
But you haven't specified hour in the date format. Now you have
%L %d, %Y, %l: %M %p
month day year abbreviated month name minute either `am' or `pm'
So, you have: January 29, 2009, Jan:54 am
See more info about conversion specifiers here:
> 2) I can display time in 12 or 24 hour format - however for the selection it
> only allows 24 hour format. My boss is yelling at me that it has to be in 12
> hour selectable format.
Try to specify date format in the following way:
%L %d, %Y, %l, %I:%M %p
So, you'll have: January 14, 2009, Jan, 03:50 pmQ: I have downloaded the trial version and so far I really like what I see except for one issue. Any page that includes the following doctype:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
seems to break the absolute positioning of the menu and sends it to the far upper left corner of the page. Any help on fixing this would be greatly appreciated.
A: The problem is in <!DOCTYPE> attribute.
Please, set 'px' units for posX and posY parameters,for example:
var posX="100px";
var posY="100px";
Q: I am having a lot of trouble trying to get the menu to work properly. I want to make sure that I get it working before I make the licesning purchase.
The menu is to be CSS based but while I have the main menu somewhat in location, none of the settings are correct. Can you help?
A: See, the problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
To get the value you should move .css style into style="POSITION: relative;" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css
Try to write so:
<DIV id=if-navbar style="POSITION: relative;">