Recent Questions
Q: I really enjoy your tools and methods to create superb menus! On your webpage under "Product Info" and the tab "Individual Item Styles", you give an example how to make a "brind to front effect". I have tested it and works nice - but: When you add a subitem, won't one of the right javascript menu image come along - either on mousover or on selected. What do I have to do to fix that?
I'm very grateful for your answer!
A: These examples were created for the
var tabMode=0;
only (tabs without submenus).
Q: Do I have the ability to change colors for the menus and the sub menus?
A: You can use different colors for each item and subitem of the menu.
You should use individual item styles.
More info you can find here:
Q: The only problem I still have is with Netscape and Firefox users...the down javascript menuis not centered on their pages...what can I do to remedy this??
Any suggestions??
A: Try to set exact width in "px":
var menuWidth="500px";
Q: I am using deluxe-menu for the third time to create a school web site. It has worked fine on the previous two sites, but I am making a horizontal menu this time instead of a vertical menu. The menu won't align itself correctly in Firefox. I read the post in your FAQ and I set the align tag in the TD element and also the size attribute, but that didn't work.
Could you give me some suggestions. It looks fine ie IE, but not Firefox.
A: Try to specify exact value for menu width.
For example:
var menuWidth="800px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.