Recent Questions
Q: When I check my website for accessibility it shows NoAlt on the dhtml drop down menu!.
Where do I add an alt tag in the data file?
A: You should use the fifth parameter in menuItems
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, tip, target, itemStyleInd, submenuStyleInd, jsFilename],
For example:
["Home","index.htm", "", "", "Home", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Dr. Copeland's Bio","bio.htm", "", "", "Dr. Copeland's Bio", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Destiny History","history.htm", "", "", "Destiny History", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Contact Destiny","contact.htm", "", "", "Contact Destiny", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Dr. Copeland's Itinerary","itinerary.htm", "", "", "Dr. Copeland's Itinerary", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I am looking for a way to use "position:fixed; in order to keep my drop menu navigation at the top of the screen when scrolling down.
Can you tell me how to do this?
A: You should use floating feature to keep your drop menu navigation at the top of thescreen when scrolling down.
See more info here:
Q: Will html navigation bar work with site created using FrontPage?
A: Yes, Deluxe CSS Menu will work fine with site created in Frontpage.
Add all code generated by Deluxe Tuner.
You should copy all css styles for the menu and add it into your own .css file (orcreate a new .css file for the menu and call it on your page).
Then copy all HTML code for the menu and paste it in the place where you want to have amenu.
To view css styles and html code click "View HTML" button on the Preview window in theDeluxe Tuner.
Q: How do I remove scrollbars from the iframe within the mouseover popups?
I need to launch iFrame javascript functions from the parent.
A: Try to set exact width and height for the IFRAME.