Recent Questions
Q: Actually I think we've managed to figure most of the below out, so I'd be grateful if you could give us some pointers with the following instead...
How might we be able to include your javascript menu scripts within e.g. asp tags? We'd like some menu options to be hidden from some users, but I'm getting errors when I put asp tags in your data.js file.
A: It seems to me that you have syntactical error in your code.
Please, check that you don't have double quotes in your code. If you have several quotes you shoulduse back slashes before them, for example:
response.Write( " ['|Test A','javascript:alert(\'Test\');', '', '', '', '', '0', '-1', '', ], " )
["|Loan Profile","../pipeline/loan_profile.asp?id=<%=rsLoans('loan_id')%>", "", "","", "", "", "2"],
Q: I have been testing.
I have another question,
during our test we did few test with other software, and we have the posibility while we are under an option on the menu we right click and choose open in a new window.
We cant find the way to do this or is not posible?
A: You can paste your own objects within menu items to capture a rightclick, for example:
["<div style='width:100%;height:30px' onContextMenu='your_code'>text</div>",...]
Q: Will the java menu api changing the node image on the fly in real time?
A: Yes, API functions will change the node image on the fly.
Q: I want to order a single website license for the deluxe tabs application. It says when ordering this dhtml menu bulider license there would be a field where I can fill out the website's name where I can use it. I can't find this field though on the ordering form.
A: You should write domain name you want to register in the "Additionalinformation" field, for example:
Additional information:
If you will not find this field write us after the purchase and we'llsend you reg. key for your domain name.