Recent Questions
Q: Can you please guide me how can i use the ajax functionality for tree view navigation..
A: To enable AJAX Tree Menu use the following menu parameters:
var tajax=1; // enables AJAX technology support
Each .js file must contain menuItems variable for the submenu in the following format:
var tmenuItems = [
[text, link, icon1, icon2, icon2, tip, target, itemStyle, submenuStyle, jsFileName],
Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server that contains tmenuItems variable for the submenu.
More info you'll find here: I ran across your site on a search engine and downloaded the trial copy. I am playing around with it and have successfully generated a menu bar which I wanted to try and test out. I have followed the directions for installing it on my trial page of my website and can not get it to work. I am not sure what I am doing wrong . I would truly love to buy this, but even with following the installation instructions, I can not get free javascript drop down menu to work. I use Dreamweaver to build my site.
A: Deluxe Menu wasn't developed as Dreamweaver/Frontpage extension and wedon't have plug-ins for it. To install the menu into your html page:
1. create and save .js file with your menu parameters in Deluxe Tuner(you can use "File/Save as/HTML" function).
You can enter any name you like, for example enter "menu". So you'llhave menu.html, menu.js files and "menu.files" folder with all menu files.
2. open your .html page in Dreamweaver
3. Copy generated menu.js file and "menu.files/" folder in the same folderwith your index.html page.
4. Open generated menu.html in any text editor and copy several rows of code (<script> tags), For info see:
<!-- Deluxe Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">free javascript drop down menu by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath="menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu.js"></script>
That's all.Q: It's been couple of months since I last time asked something about tree menu. I am still evaluating the software.
I have a short question. Is it possible to use CSS instead of JavaScript to tune the look and feel of the tree menu? For example I would be interested in giving menu css java item height value in relative numbers (em or %) rather than specifying a size in pixels...
A: But actually you can use 'em' and '%' units in Deluxe Tree, forexample.
var tmenuWidth="13em";
var tmenuHeight="12em";
var tmenuWidth="35%";
var tmenuHeight="15em";
Q: I have a quick question: I have an iframe menu item (see note 1) for the dhtml menu sample,
and when I click a link in that iframe, I would like to close the menu.
Is this possible, perhaps by using a javascript call?
A: You couldn't close the menu, you can only hide it.
You can try touse the following code to hide the menu.
["||test menuitem
<iframe src='test.php' onClick='document.getElementById(\'dm0m0\').style.visibility=\'hidden\';'
></iframe>","", , , , ,"0" , , , ],
You can also place your Iframe in DIV tag with indents.
["||test menuitem
<div style='padding: 10px;'><iframesrc='test.php'
onClick='document.getElementById(\'dm0m0\').style.visibility=\'hidden\';'></iframe></div>","", , , , ,"0" , , , ],