Recent Questions
Q: The spacing between each item of the top horizontal dropdown menu is uneven but I don't know why.
If you highlight them all it becomes more obvious.
It is almost as if the space after a 2 word link is twice the space after a one word link or else the total space after each link is related to the number of letters in the link.
For example the space after 'Discounts' is greater than the space after 'Home' but the space after 'Envelope Printing' is even greater.
A: You can try to set the following horizontal dropdown menu parameters:
var menuWidth="";
var itemPadding="0px 10px 0px 10px";
Q: I purchased the full package for the application. Great job!
I have no questions about generating and/or customizing DHTML menues - it's pretty straight forwards.
I am trying to find out how to generate and customize POPUP WINDOWS.
A: To assign popup windows for links on your page do the following:
1) Open your page (for example index.html page) in any text editor.
Add link in the place where you want to have it and specify the ID (for example: win1) for it, for example:
<a href="javascript:;" id="win1">Click Here to see a window</a>
Change parameters of windows in data files, for example popup-window-XP.js.
Open it in any text editor.
2) Add your content.
You can use HTML content, Iframe (url) or any object on your page as popup windows content - Object ID.
For example select HTML content (winContent parameter in the 'Common' section), for example:
<div style="text-align:center;"><b>Sample content</b></div>
This is a simple HTML code for content. Here you may also set link to content page or ID of some element.
3) In the 'Actions' section specify the id of your link (win1) for the onClick event.
4) For example: open the popup-window-XP.html file in any text editor.
Copy all code for Popup window and paste it in the beginning of the <body> tag:
<!-- Deluxe Popup Window -->
<noscript><a href="">menu drop down by <script type="text/javascript" src="popup-window-XP.files/dpopupwindow.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup-window-XP.js"></script>
<!-- (c) 2009, -->
5) Copy 'popup-window-XP.files/' folder and popup-window-XP.js file into the samefolder with your index.html (root folder of your website).
Q: I have been mostly creating my menus by starting with a template file that has the features I need, and then modifying that file by hand (as opposed to using the Tuner program). In this case I am using data-vista-01.js.
When I load my html file that has references to the necessary resources (e.g. .js, gif, etc) in a directory that has the Images folder and Menu folder copied directly from the installed Deluxe Menu program directories, I get what I want.
This is perfect. But I think to myself, surely I don't need all the .js files from the Menu directory, nor do I need all the .gif files from the Images directory, so I started deleting those files one at a time, until I got to the point where Images contained only the Vista1 folder + the empty.gif file, and the Menu folder contained only dmenu.js. My menu now not working.
I'm guessing that some graphic files need to draw the top-level menu bar are missing. But which ones?
So my question is, what files do I really need? Is this something the documentation describes, and if so where?
I hope I don't have to include the full contents of the Menu and Images folder, as they are quite large.
A: Unfortunately, you should add all need images manually.
We'll try to correct it soon.
You can open your data.js file and see what images you're using in themenu and copy tese images into your folder.
You should also change the following parameter:
var pathPrefix_img="";
There is no need to use all engine files for the menu.
Description of files you can find here:
Q: Is it possible to enter text in the java source code that won't display as a link?
A: If you don't want to use items as links you can disable these items.
To disable item you should set target parameter to "_".
You can do it in "Item Parameters" window.