Recent Questions
Q: Just downloaded and installed the latest version, noticed it does not say beta any longer. On this version and the previous version I had installed I can not click and move the window open script around on the screen when using Firefox. When I used IE it works as expected, I can move it and it sticks in position. Is there a fix for this?
A: See we've made many changes in window open script in v3.3.
Your old pop up windows (data files) won't work with new engine file.You should recreate your popup window in Deluxe Tuner.
Q: How do assign my own onclick events to menu options for the dhtml menubar?
I want do more than just redirect to an href.
A: Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links.
For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", ""]
Q: How does the search engine stuff work. A web developer told me to stay away from java script if you want google to recognize your webpage.
Can you comfort me by telling me how it works.
A: Spiders can't read dynamically-generated Javascript code, so theycan't read menu links.
Search engine friendly means that you can add additional html codewithin your html page. You can generate such a code using Deluxe TunerGUI that you can find in the trial menu package. But if you'll use themenu without any additional html code, spider won't see menu links.
Q: Javascript menu frame Borders are present Firefox but missing in IE7, IE8, Google Chrome, Safari.
Firefox shows the borders ok.
A: You've set the following parameters in this menu:
var menuBorderColor="#FF9191 #FF7837 #E10000 #952D00 ";
var menuBorderWidth=3;
var menuBorderStyle="";
You should specify style for your border, for example:
var menuBorderStyle="solid";
See the attached example. I cannot notice such issue on Safari forWin. Write what version you're using.
Change also
var fontStyle=["normal 8pt Verdana,normal 8pt Verdana","normal 8pt Verdana,normal 8pt Verdana"];
var fontStyle=["normal 8pt Verdana","normal 8pt Verdana"];