Recent Questions
Q: I am having great problems making my tab working, I seems to select the second tab by default.
I have looked in your frequent asked questions and tried the below suggestion, I have not used the registered domain as I am in the process of design.
var bselectedItem = 3;
Where 3 is the number of your menu item from the var bmenuItems parameter.
var bmenuItems =
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"],
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"],
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"],
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], // selected tab
The ID of the item starts with 0.
Try that.
But without success?
Any idea?
Please advice
A: See, the ID of the item starts with 0.
So, if you use TabMode ( var tabMode=1;):
var bselectedItem = 10;
["-", ] - separator, ID = 0
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"], ID = 1
["Subitem1","testlink.html",] ID = 2
["Subitem2","testlink.html",] ID = 3
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"], ID = 4
["Subitem1","testlink.html",] ID = 5
["Subitem2","testlink.html",] ID = 6
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"], ID = 7
["Subitem1","testlink.html",] ID = 8
["Subitem2","testlink.html",] ID = 9
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], // selected tab ID = 10
["Subitem1","testlink.html",] ID = 11
["Subitem2","testlink.html",] ID = 12
If you use tabs ( var tabMode=0;):
var bselectedItem = 2;
["-", ] - separator, ID = 0
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"], ID = 1
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"], ID = 2 // selected tab
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"], ID = 3
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], ID = 4
Q: Why is it that when we place a drop menu ina div that the droppping part is not right uner the menu? The menu on top banner is the problem.. Thesame code outside of a div futher down the page works fine.
I can place the same menu outside of the div and it works fine.When it is in a div the drop part of the menu is pushed to the far right of the screen.
A: Brian, see, the problem is that the script can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "POSITION: absolute" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style (style="POSITION:absolute;"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
You should add style="POSITION: absolute;"
to the
<div id="menu">
So, you'll have:
<DIV id="menu" style="POSITION: absolute;">
Q: The menu files need to be in EVERY directory that there is a page calling these files?
A: No you can use one folder with engine .js files.
But in your html pages you should write correctly your dmWorkPathparameter:
< script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "./menudir/";</script>
and call dmenu.js file from the right place
<script type="text/javascript" src="./menudir/dmenu.js"> </script>
Q: The only remaining problem I see is that the dhtml popup menu appears in slightly
different positions depending upon where your mouse touches the icon.
Is there a way to make the menu position absolute in respect to the icon?
I have tried playing with the menu item parameters that seemed related with no success.
A: See dm_popup() function parameters:
return dm_popup(menuInd, pause, event, x, y)
menuInd - index of the menu on a page, >= 0.
pause - determines the time when the menu will be hidden.
event - constant. Do not change.
x, y - optional. Set these parameters if you want the menu to appear in the specified place.
In other case the menu will be shown in the mouse position.