Recent Questions
Q: We have a problem with the submenus going cross-frame.
Whenever there is a webpage from another website in the content/target-frame the frameset twists and all the pages are shown in the topframe. A lot of the information on our web is in office word-files and when they are opened in the content/target-frame the same cross-frame-problem happens. Is it only possible for the sub-menus to go cross-frame when one of our own webpages is shown in the target-frame?
A: See more info about cross-frame mode here:
Notice, the menu will work correctly in the cross-frame mode if you load pages into the sub frame from the same domain.
If you load pages from another domain submenus won't be shown in the subframe - they will be shown in the frame with the top-menu.
It's caused by a security policy of browsers - a script can't modify a content of pages from another domain.
Q: When using the Deluxe-Tabs, the second tab seems to be the first selected tab when displaying tabs in a page. Is there a way to set the default tab showing on a page load?
A: You should use the following parameter:
var bselectedItem = 3;
Where 3 is the number of your menu item from the var bmenuItemsparameter.
var bmenuItems =
["Mac Tab 1", "content1"],
["Mac Tab 2", "content2"],
["Mac Tab 3", "content3"],
["Mac Tab 4", "content4"], // selected tab
The ID of the item starts with 0.
Try that.
Q: I am just starting to work with deluxe menu for a site that I am developing. I will soon be going through the purchase of a license but have not yet reached that point.
At the moment though, as I build the framework for the site locally on my computer, I notice that the menu behave a looks differently in IE 6 and Firefox (I am focusing on a CSS base menu). Is this something that will be worked out once I have purchased the licensing key or is there something else that I am missing?
A: Deluxe Menu works fine in all browsers.
Try to set exact width for the menu width and menu height, try to specify unitsin "px":
var menuWidth="500px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
var menuHeight="20px";
You should also check your padding parameter, you should write it so:
var itemPadding="1px 1px 1px 12px";
You can also send us a copy of your html page (including .js files) ora direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: I've noticed something strange in the Deluxe Tree and I am wondering if this is normal.
Here's an example I have in my "data.js" file to populate the javascript ajax tree:
var tmenuItems = [
["Mes alertes/My alerts","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Francais","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeFr.js", ],
["|English","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeEn.js", ],
Here's basically how it goes:
- Basically the "0" represents a pre-built style that I have set for the root of my tree.
- Under this are the first child of the root called "Francais" and "English" which I link with a JS file to populate (Because the users will customize the alerts they want to see).
This works perfectly fine. But it is a workaround. Let me explain what I wanted in the first place:
var tmenuItems = [
["Mes alertes ","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", " js/AjaxTreeFr.js ", ],
["My alerts","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeEn.js", ],
Basically I wanted to have 1 javascript ajax tree with 2 root items "Mes alertes" and "My alerts" but it seems impossible to attach a js file to the root of the tree view. (It doesn't get populated).
Any ideas?
A: See AJAX feature won't work for first-level in XP style now.
It works if you use:
var tXPStyle=0;