Recent Questions
Q: Looks like my submenu text is too long for the background.
How can I ensure the background is the same length as the longest word in my java edit menu submenu list.
A: Try to change the following parameter:
var smWidth="100%";
Set it:
var smWidth="";
Q: I have been mostly creating my menus by starting with a template file that has the features I need, and then modifying that file by hand (as opposed to using the Tuner program). In this case I am using data-vista-01.js.
When I load my html file that has references to the necessary resources (e.g. .js, gif, etc) in a directory that has the Images folder and Menu folder copied directly from the installed Deluxe Menu program directories, I get what I want.
This is perfect. But I think to myself, surely I don't need all the .js files from the Menu directory, nor do I need all the .gif files from the Images directory, so I started deleting those files one at a time, until I got to the point where Images contained only the Vista1 folder + the empty.gif file, and the Menu folder contained only dmenu.js. My menu now not working.
I'm guessing that some graphic files need to draw the top-level menu bar are missing. But which ones?
So my question is, what files do I really need? Is this something the documentation describes, and if so where?
I hope I don't have to include the full contents of the Menu and Images folder, as they are quite large.
A: Unfortunately, you should add all need images manually.
We'll try to correct it soon.
You can open your data.js file and see what images you're using in themenu and copy tese images into your folder.
You should also change the following parameter:
var pathPrefix_img="";
There is no need to use all engine files for the menu.
Description of files you can find here:
Q: We'd tried the useIFrame = 1 as well and the issue is fixed but the IE6 shows a "non secure objects over a secure connection" message, it worries me because on one side the problem is solved but on the other hand it generates confusion.
As an alternative we're planning to use the Deluxe navigation tree in order to avoid these overlapping problems, but it doesn't show up in IE7 over W2K3 R2!!
We requiere your support to use either the Deluxe Tree or the Deluxe Menu,
I'll look forward your kind answer.
A: Deluxe navigation tree works fine in IE7.
Try to set width and height parameters:
var tmenuWidth="230px";
var tmenuHeight="auto";
Q: Is there maybe a way that I can set up the menu so that it does not load at all until someone clicks on, say, a link, such as 'Products' and clicking on that link would then load the java menu buttons onto the page in the desired position?
A: Yes, you can do it.
Delete dm_init(); function from data file and use OnClick event foryour 'Products' link.
<a href="products.html" OnClick="dm_init();">Products</a>