Recent Questions
Q: I would like to separate each main menu item in a dhtml menu bar with a dotted line graphic.
A: To add a separator you should
//--- Separators
var separatorImage=""; //for subitems (top items in vertical menu)
var separatorWidth="100%";
var separatorHeight="3px";
var separatorAlignment="right";
var separatorVImage="separator.gif"; //for the top items (subitems items in vertical menu)
var separatorVWidth="100%";
var separatorVHeight="2px";
var separatorPadding="";
You can create separators using menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["item 1"],
["-"], // this item is separator
["item 2"],
Q: I just purchased your product and I’d like to generate a menu with NO DROP SHADOW effect.
Is that possible?
A: Thanks for your interest in our products.
Yes, you can do it. Try to set the following parameter:
var shadowLen=0;
Q: The problem with the old computer (by clicking an item the wrong subitem appears and the windows disappears not fast enough. I have tried your recommendation
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=1000;
var transDuration=350;
var transDuration2=200;
A: Try to decrease these parameters, for example
var smShowPause=200;
var smHidePause=300;
Try that.
Q: We really like your deluxe menu product and are interested in making a multiple website license purchase.
In our current production environment, we build sites on a local machine (no domain) and move the files/sites to multiple servers depending on where the domain is being hosted.
Do we have to reconfigure the domain key each time we move deluxe menu related site files from the actual domain server to our local production environment and back again?
A: Notice your key will work on registered domain only. It won't work onlocal machine.
If you want to use the menu on the local production environment youshould buy Developer License.
The Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number of Internet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.
This version of the script doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to adomain name.