Recent Questions
Q: The first is that for some reason my item separator image will not show. I have tried everything.. and no matter what I do the image will not show. I designed a graphic that is 2 pixels high and is the width of the total menu. The first problem is that the graphic wont show at all.. and I do not know why. Secondly, I am now thinking that I would like to use the separator graphic on all levels of the menu.. but this creates a another issue.. as the width of the submenus varies based on the length of the text displayed. How then can I have a separator image work in the submenus?
A: Try to write you Item Styles so:
var itemStyles = [
See the normal item border color.
You didn't paste separator into your menuItems.
Q: I am spending a lot more time and have figured a few things out. One more question please: How do I specify the target link I want a dhtml submenu to go to?
I see HREF specified in the code, but no where in the program to specify it.
A: See, the following parameter sets target for all items
var itemTarget="_self";
If you want to set different target for each item you should set it inthe "Item Parameters" window. Choose your item in the main window andset target in the target field.
Q: I am a software developer interested in using deluxe menu for my company’s website. One of the important features of our website is multiple language support, typically Chinese.
Does deluxe menu have support for Chinese or other Unicode characters?
A: You're able to use any characters for Deluxe Menu in the same way asyou use them for standard html page.
The only issue is that submenus can be shown in incorrect positionwhen you're using dir=rtl for your page.
Please, try a trial version.
Q: We cannot find any info in any of the other features like open popup window or calendar functions. Please advise.
A: We have different sites for each product:
Deluxe Menu,
Deluxe Tree,
Deluxe Tabs,
Popup Window,