Recent Questions
Q: - I downloaded and installed your trial version..
- Selected "Tuner" then "tabs"
- Left pane sorta baffled me - even after reading documentation
- so in preview pane I selected "Templates" and Kaspersky style..
- The preview looked nothing like the kaspersky javascript menu example.. My feeling was that I had to somehow find the image elements to complete the menu tabs.. (A rather daunting task)..
- AM I missing something??
A: To use Kaspersky style javascript menu example you should assign Individual Stylesfor your items. You can find this info in the templates window.
Q: Does you tree menu javascript support right-to-left layout?
That is to say it opens the branches/submenus from the right to left.
A: Yes it is possible to create a menu for right-to-left languages with Deluxe Tree in the same way as in standard htmlcode.
Please, set <HTML dir="rtl">. You should set the following parameters:
var titemAlign="right";
var ticonAlign="right";
var texpandBtnAlign="right";
Deluxe Menu support right-to-left languages.
In Deluxe Menu you can set the following parameter:
var dmRTL = 1;
Set this parameter to 1 if you're using right-to-left direction of html page <HTML dir=rtl>.
Q: This tiny javascript menu codes (30kb) take about 25 seconds to load in our browsers (internet explorer)
This intranet site serves approx 15 workstations and I named it 'QuickFind'. It is now the slowest to load of any websites, applications, you name it...
So it is bit embarassing ...
Hoping you can help me to resolve this
A: Try to set the following parameters:
var dm_writeAll=0;
var useIFRAME=0;
Q: I want to use free Non-Profit License of down menu button for my own application that I'm doing.
A: We issue non-profit licenses for Internet websites only.
If you want to use Deluxe Menu within your own application you shouldbuy Developer License.