Recent Questions
Q: The "drop down" menus go above the mouseover javascript menu, not below. I want them to go down. That's why it's a DROP DOWN menu and not a DROP UP menu.
And I tried the " var subMenuVAlign="bottom";" command as per your user database forum and it doesn't work.
So the problem is elsewhere....
BTW, I did not have this problem on the trial version, it appeared after I installed your js files in the scripts directory and the key in the data.js file
A: You should set the following parameter for mouseover javascript menu:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: Does you tree menu javascript support right-to-left layout?
That is to say it opens the branches/submenus from the right to left.
A: Yes it is possible to create a menu for right-to-left languages with Deluxe Tree in the same way as in standard htmlcode.
Please, set <HTML dir="rtl">. You should set the following parameters:
var titemAlign="right";
var ticonAlign="right";
var texpandBtnAlign="right";
Deluxe Menu support right-to-left languages.
In Deluxe Menu you can set the following parameter:
var dmRTL = 1;
Set this parameter to 1 if you're using right-to-left direction of html page <HTML dir=rtl>.
Q: Is it possible to open a specific tab in javascript menu samples using javascript? For example something like;
A: You can try to use the following function:
dtabs_itemClick(menuN, itemN);
menuN - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
itemN - index of a tab you want to show, >=0.
Q: We have several problems with your menu.
Notice when trying to select a drop down item…the item disappears, rather than holding in place as the mouse is over the menu item.
Second, we’d like to know how to expand the width of the main headers and sub headers. Currently, they are not of the same width.
Lastly, we’d like to change the font and load new fonts to match the branding of the menu items.
Please let us know where we can find instructions to make these modifications/customizations.
A: Please, try to write your menuItems parameter correctly.
You should set "iconOver" parameter for each item (you can set "").
Please, see how you should write your menuItems:
> Second, we’d like to know how to expand the width of the
> main headers and sub headers. Currently, they are not of the
> same width.
You should use Individual styles, for example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=120px","arrowImageMain=image1,image2=home_out.gif,home_over.gif"],     // style 0
["itemBorderWidth=2","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid", "itemBorderColor=#AA0000,#0000FF"],     // style 1
["fontStyle=bold 12px Arial,Helvetica", "fontDecoration=none,underline"],     // style 2
var menuItems = [
For submenus you should set the following parameter:
var smWidth="150px";
> Lastly, we’d like to change the font and load new
> fonts to match the branding of the menu items.
You should also use Individual styles.
But you should set this parameter:
var fontStyle="";
And then use different fonts for your items.