Recent Questions
Q: I will probably purchase your developer version mostly because I want access to the 600 icons....
1) Do you offer access to these icons with any other license for css drop down menu?
2) I develop sites for several clients, what is involved for them to make small changes to their menus... i.e. add or delete a menu item or sub-item... Will they need to purchase a license to make changes?
3) Does the developer version access your site at runtime? I do not have a problem registering my client sites and getting a key... I just want to make sure at runtime their site does not contact yours.
A: 1) Icon collection is available in Developer licenses only.
2) No, there is no need to purchase the license in that case.
3) No, script doesn't access our site at runtime.
Developer version of the script doesn't check reg. keys at all.
With the Developer license you can use the menu on an unlimited number of Internet or Intranet sites and on the local machines.
This version of the css drop down menu doesn't check keys and it isn't bound to a domain name,so it can be used with an application that doesn't have a fixed domain name.
Q: I need to include background images for my navigation, so I put them in the same folder where the "data.js" file can be found. I am using the deluxe tuner in order to call these files and it looks great in the preview. As soon as I save the file and load it in the browser, the background images are missing.
Your solution refers to creating absolute paths using
var pathPrefix_img = "";
I have implemented this solution but I still think the problem persists.
A: Now you set pathPrefix parameter:
var pathPrefix_img = "http://www.domain/folder/menudir/dataAlumni.files/";
And you have such images paths, for example:
var arrowImageSub=["dataAlumni.files/submenuIconOff.gif","dataAlumni.files/submenuIconOn.gif"];
So you have such paths for arrows:
It is not right.
You should write your paths so:
var arrowImageSub=["submenuIconOff.gif","submenuIconOn.gif"];
Please, correct it.
Q: Is there a way to get rid of the spacing on the main menu?
A: Try to set this parameter:
var itemSpacing="0";
Q: Is it possible to change from a default target setting for all links to _self target for onsite links and _blank target for offsite links?
A: You can set target parameter for each item.
See menuItems parameter:
var menuItems =
["Home","testlink.html","icon.gif","iconover.gif","Home Tip",target,"1"],
["|Our Products","testlink.html","icon1.gif","icon2.gif","Our Products Tip","_blank",,"0"],