Recent Questions
Q: How can I set the top-level menu items of the html pop up menu to be transparent?
A: You should create Individual Item and Submenu styles with transparent itemBackColor and assign it for the top items:
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [
Q: I need a way to change tabs with buttons AFTER THE PAGE IS RENDERED. This means bselecteditem is useless to me at this point.
I want to have a button called NEXT on TAB 1, and when you press that button, it switches you to TAB 2. Likewise on TAB 2 I want to have a button called NEXT that when pressed will switch you to TAB 3.
I don't want to have to post back to the server to make this work, I want a way of Javascript to change the tab indexes.
How can I do this?
A: Try to use the following function:
menuN - menu ID, starts with 0
itemN - item ID, starts with 0
Q: Could you please explain how to increase the height of our javascript menu submenu links to 18 or 20 px each?
A: You can create Individual submenu style and assign it to the firstitem in each submenu.
var menuStyles = [
["menuBackColor=transparent","menuBorderWidth=1","itemSpacing=1","itemPadding=0px 5px 0px 5px"],
["itemPadding=5px 2px 5px 2px"],
var menuItems = [
["Advanced Taser Guns","", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", "", "", ],
["|Advanced Taser Guns","", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", "", ], //assign style
Q: When I put any new link on my tree view expand it goes as if I am placing as _blank when I have it leading to _self.
A: At the moment you have:
var titemTarget="_blank";
And you haven't specified "_self" parameter to
["||Unilock Fireplace MODS","fireplace_unilock_mods.htm", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
You should set
var titemTarget="_self";
or set "_self" parameter for each item individually:
["||Unilock Fireplace MODS","fireplace_unilock_mods.htm","", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", ],