Recent Questions
Q: In javascriptcoding.
I have id of the submenu.
How can retrieve id of the parent menu?
A: You can try to use the following function
function dm_ext_getSubmenuParams (menuInd, submenuInd)
Returns submenu parameters in the array:
[submenu_id, items_count, parent_item_id, submenu_level, is_horizontal]
menuInd - index of a menu on a page, >= 0.
submenuInd - index of a submenu, >= 0.
Using this function you can retrieve the parent_item_id.
More info see:
Q: I am evaluating your fine menu builder application.
Please let me know the following:
a) How could I call a script instead of specifying a link?
["|Product A","","","","",,"0",],
b) If the above is possible, please let me know how, in the called script, I could know where the call to the script come from.
A: You can use your own javascript functions in the menu items.
You should paste "javascript:some_function()" into item's link field, for example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_function(...)", ...]
Q: We have a menu in its own dedicated table row on our website and the table row contains a background image. We want to know if we can make the background on your menu transparent so that you can see our table cell background through the menu.
We have tried using your option to put our image as your menu’s background, but then it repeats for all of the drop downs which we do not want.
We simply want the row of options to be transparent and all of the drop downs to be white.
Is this possible with your system and, if so, how would we go about making this work?
A: You can try to use these parameters:
var menuBackColor="transparent";
var itemBackColor=["transparent","#1665CB"];
Or, you can use Individual Item Styles and set images only for the main items.
Try that.
Q: Can I just have the date displayed without the time in the javascript popup calendar
A: You cannot hide time from the calendar templates.
But you can chose the output data format.
See more info:
calendarDatePicker.handlers( ['txt', 'txt', {type : 'date', format: '%d-%m-%Y'}] );
The result will be: 12-02-2009