Recent Questions
Q: I have tested and tested but can't find out how I can add the following, as a link in drop down navigation bar. Can you please help?" rel="shadowbox;height=450;width=780"
A: You should add <a> tag into the text field in that case:
["<a href="" rel="shadowbox;height=450;width=780">test</a>","",""]
But you should specify a styles for this link also.Q: We purchased your Deluxe Menu 2.0 and have realised that in the Firefox browser the shadowing around the css javascript menu is not visible.
Please could you tell us how to correct this.
A: See, transitional effects (shadow) are features of Internet Explorer 5.5+ only.
More info you can find here: How do I make the main nav links align left in my horizontal menu (they are center aligned).
A: Try to use the following parameter:
var itemAlignTop="left";Q: In the navigation bar below (done in Spanish) I am trying to display the word “Niños” (Children) but looks like this special character is not displayed correctly. How I fix this?
A: Try to write it in the following way:“Niños”