Recent Questions
Q: Is there a javascript function I can call to switch from one tab to the next in the javascript jump menu?
A: You can use the following function:
menuInd - index of the javascript jump menu on your page (>= 0)
itemInd - index of the item you want to open (>= 0)
Q: Please let us know how to select the font and background colors using the hexidecimal number?
We have another website and want to use the exact same color scheme.
We want to enter the number such as FF8080.
Hopefully, we can enter the hex numbers into this program.
A: You should write, for example, so:
var menuBackColor = "#FF8080";
var menuBorderColor = "#FF8080";
var itemBackColor = ["#FF8080","#FF8080"];
var itemBorderColor = ["#FF8080","#FF8080"];
var fontColor = ["#000000","#FFFFFF"];
Q: I can't see my javascript vertical tree menu in FireFox. What I'm doing wrong?
A: You should set this parameter:
var tmenuHeight = "auto";
Now you have
var tmenuHeight = "0";
Q: I created a new directory at the root called newmenu and placed all of the menu files there. I pointed this page to that new directoryIt works!
However, when I point my home page to the newmenu directory, the menu disappears again.
A: Try to move also the reference to dmenu.js after <Body> tag:
<body onload="...">
<!-- Deluxe Menu -->
<noscript><a href=>(c)2005</a> </noscript>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2005, Deluxe Menu, -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2"> var dmWorkPath="newmenu/"</script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.2" src="newmenu/dmenu.js"></script>