Recent Questions
Q: Can youtell me which transition is the regular traditional transition with no effects for the dhtml navigation?
A: You can use
var transition=0;
if you don't want to use transition you should set:
var transition=0;
var transOptions="";
var transDuration=0;
var transDuration2=0;
Q: I am using XP style tree menu and would like to have top level menu item with no submenu items. However, the right double arrow icon still show up. Is there a way to hide it for the item without submenu items in css javascript tree menu?
See the attached document, I want to remove the double arrow icon at right for "Mission Statement", "History", "Direction" and "Contact Us".
Any help will be appreciated.
A: You can create Individual XP Style and use it for items with submenus:
var tXPExpandBtn=["left.files/blank-arrow.gif","left.files/blank-arrow.gif","left.files/blank-arrow.gif","left.files/blank-arrow.gif"];
var tXPStyles = [
and assign this style for all top items with submenus:
["Home","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["+Company Profile","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", ], //style 0
["|Item 25","", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["|Item 26","", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["+Projects","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "0", "", ], //style 0
["|Item 27","", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
["|Item 28","", "", "", "", "", "", "1", "", "", ],
Q: Is there any way of asigning the background color of the submenu (I onlyneed one level of nesting menus) different from the background color of thedhtml rollover?
A: Create Individual Submenu Style and assign it for the first item in that case:
var menuBackColor="#d1d1d1";
var menuStyles = [
["mбs info","","","","","","0","0","","","",],
Q: I tested your code and it works fine now. I don't need the Deluxe Tuner and only used the Java Script code. So please inform me about the expenses of using Java Script code and also related support needs.
A: Deluxe Tuner is a free software.
We support all our clients no matter if they had bought a license or not and what type of the license they have.
More info about license types you can find here.