Recent Questions
Q: The menu files need to be in EVERY directory that there is a page calling these files?
A: No you can use one folder with engine .js files.
But in your html pages you should write correctly your dmWorkPathparameter:
< script type="text/javascript"> var dmWorkPath = "./menudir/";</script>
and call dmenu.js file from the right place
<script type="text/javascript" src="./menudir/dmenu.js"> </script>
Q: For example if you use the Growing Goodness menu located under Media Categories the first category is Agriculture w/ a sub category "Community Supported (CSA)" it is the sub category that is an active link. Is it possible to have only the active link "Community Supported (CSA) underlined and not Agriculture? And the same for all the other active links in this menu, all that have hyperlinks assigned to them.
A: You can write your links in the following way:
["Channels","", , , , , , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>Eco-Friendly</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["|<a class='menu' href=''>Farmers Market</a>","", , , , "_", , , , ],
["Media Categories","", , , , , , , , ],
["|Agriculture","", , , , , , , , ],
["||<a class='menu' href=''>Community Supported (CSA)</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["||Movie Trailers","", , , , , , , , ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>Farmboy</a>","", , , , "_self", , , , ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>Strong Roots, Fragile Farms</a>","", , , , "_self", , ,, ],
["|||<a class='menu' href=''>The Real Dirt On Farmer John</a>","", , , , "_self", , ,, ],
And create a style: {
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: none;} {
color: #FFF;
text-decoration: underline;}
Q: I just noticed as well that I cannot change the spacing of the buttons.
Right now the buttons are tight together, how do I create a gap between each dhtmlmenu button?
A: You can paste the separator.
Please, see the following parameters:
//------- Separators -------
var separatorWidth = "10";
var separatorHeight = "20";
var separatorAlignment = "center";
var separatorImage = "C";
var separatorVWidth = "150";
var separatorVHeight = "10%";
var separatorVImage = "image.jpg";
You can create separators using menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["item 1"],
["-"], // this item is separator
["item 2"],
You can also use this parameter:
var itemPadding = "4px";
You can also set multiple values, for example:
"2px 15px 5px 5px";
(top, right, bottom, left)
Q: There is the possibility in the dhtml menu bars that an item has access control, that is is visible or not depending of the user?
A: You can use Javascript API and write your own code.
See more info here:
You can use
dm_ext_changeItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, iParams)
to disable your items or
dm_ext_changeItemVisibility (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, visibility)
to hide your items.Try that.