Recent Questions
Q: I am looking for a way to use "position:fixed; in order to keep mydropdown menu javascript at the top of the screen when scrolling down.
A: You should use floating feature to keep your menu at the top of thescreen when scrolling down.
See more info here:
Q: Can I expand all tree category in the collapse menu html?
A: You can expand all items in Deluxe Tree, set:
var texpanded=1;
To expand specific items you should add "+" sign before item's text:
["+Samples Gallery","", "", "", "", "XP Title Tip", "", "1", "0", "", ],
["|+Samples Block 1","", "default.files/icon3_s.gif", "default.files/icon3_so.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 1","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["||New Sample 2","testlink.htm", "default.files/iconarrs.gif", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Try that.
Q: I am having a difficult time trying to integrate your menu into a frame system of my clients. The url that I am testing at is...
I believe that I have followed your instructions to the letter, but can't seem to get the cross-frame system to work. Any help would be appreciated.
A: Please, check dmWorkPath parameter. You should write in the followingway:
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> var dmWorkPath = "nav_011907_files/";</SCRIPT>
See also how you should write your dm_init function
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 1, 2, 1);
Please, notice also that Deluxe Menu can work within 1 frameset only.
It can't work correctly within nested framesets. It is possible that you'll havesome errors.
Q: I am using cross frame menu dropdown. I have three frames: Top, Left and main (middle).
I am using the script and data from your sample file; it works fine. Only problem is submenu is offset to the right. It does not show up exactly down below the top menu.
What could be the problem?
A: Deluxe Menu doesn't work correctly (incorrect submenu position) if youhave complex frame structure.
The problem is in a structure of your frameset.
Mozilla browsers can't determine absolute coordinates for a frame, so submenus drop down with an offset.
You should create, for example, the following frameset structure:
| menu
| submenus
Now a top row has 2 columns and all browsers can determine a width of the 1st column in the second row.
You should write init function in the following way in that case: