Recent Questions
Q: A lot of things have come in between... Just a few more Q's before I order.
At the bottom of the page you refer to below, there is a table showing the tmenuItems array, itemInd and " submenuInd ". But in the examples on the same page, the function "dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex" takes the arguments (menuInd, itemInd). Is the argument "menuInd" the same as "submenuInd" referred to in the javascript menu design??
When I highlight an item on "onload" I need to expand that item's parent(s), right? What will happen to other, already expanded nodes when I do that? Will they still be expanded or collapsed?
A: 1) menuInd is the index of a tree menu on a page, >= 0.
First menu - menuInd=0
Second menu - menuInd=1
Third menu - menuInd=2
Fourth menu - menuInd=3
2) Yes, the already expanded nodes will be expanded.Q: Why can't I have more than 5 buttons in Vista 1?
If I add any the color proporties do not show up.
A: You should assign Individual style to the new item.
Please, click on the new item.
In the window "Item Parameters" you should assign to Item Style"Top Item".
Q: Also, when I edit "testlink.htm" to any other htm filename, no file isloaded!?
A: Please, make sure that the file that you set for the link exists onyour website and it's placed in the same folder where testlink.htm file is placed.
You can also use absolute paths for links.
Q: I'm curious to know if this dhtml menu cross frame work with frames. Are there any limitations regarding frames?
I'm thinking of having the tree in a left-hand frame and using it to change two stacking frames to the right. Do you foresee any issues with this plan?
A: Deluxe Menu
There is cross-frame mode in Deluxe Menu, see more info here:
Deluxe Tree
You can install your Tree Menu in a left-hand frame and load pages inthe another frames. You can set target using the following dhtml menu cross frame parameter:
var titemTarget = "framename";
Please, try the trial version.