Recent Questions
Q: I would like to buy the OEM license with the sources.
But for redistribution I would like to use the obfuscated scripts.
Do I get both type of menu & javascript when buying the OEM license of 499 dollar?
A: Yes, of course, the redistributable Developer License comes with bothsource and obfuscated files.
Moreover you're not allowed to redistribute the source version of scriptwith your application. The sources are for use inside your company only.
Q: I couldn't understand where to put copied SE Friendly code for the dhtml top menu.
A: You should generate search engine friendly code and install it on yourpage in the beginning of the BODY tag.
Deluxe Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
Run Tuner, load your menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: When the html tab menu is initialized can you not have any selected tabs?
I do not want to select any tabs when the menu is initialized for some cases.
A: No, unfortunately it is not possible. Some top item should behighlighted.
But you can try to add separator in the beginning of the menu and set:
var bselectedItem=0;
var bseparatorWidth="0px";
var bmenuItems = [
[" Deluxe Menu","content1", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "", "", "", "", ],
[" Deluxe Tree","content2", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "", "", "", "", ],
[" Deluxe Tabs","content3", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "img/icon_ie.gif", "", "", "", "", ],
[" Contact us","content4", "img/icon_mail.gif", "img/icon_mail.gif", "img/icon_mail.gif", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: How do I change the font style for menus to bold, but leave the sub-menus normal in the html navigation bar?
I understandthere’s a “fontStyle” variable, but is there an “itemfontStyle”?
A: You can use Individual Item styles to set specific parameters for eachitem or submenu.
var fontStyle=["normal 9pt Verdana","normal 9pt Verdana"]; //for subitems
//style for the top items:
var itemStyles = [
["itemHeight=21px","itemBackColor=#F2F3F2,#1665CB","fontStyle='bold 9pt Verdana','bold 9pt Verdana'"],