Recent Questions
Q: How do I change the background color for the floating drop down menu
A: To change menu colors you should change the following parameters:
var menuBackColor="#F2F3F2";
var itemBackColor=["#F2F3F2","#535353"];
You can also use Individual Item Styles to change the color of the specific items:
var menuStyles = [
var itemStyles = [
Q: If you look at my page in IE 7, the position of the submenus is too far over to the left from drop down menu. It is fine in Firefox.
Do you have any suggestions on this??
A: Try to set exact width for the menu:
var menuWidth="600px";
Q: I have one more question. I built the menu using Deluxe Tuner.
I cannot find where to change the mouse over color from blue to something more appropriate in my drop down menu templates. Can you tell me where to do this?
A: You should change the second color in the following parameter:
var itemBackColor=["#FCEEB0","#65BDDC"];
Q: I'm interested in to buy the product of yours: deluxe-menu. But I've got a dude.
I've been working with the trial version, but I haven't been able to put HTML code within the javascript pop menu Item, in order to do actions like opening a new URL, or opening a file or page with .htm extension.
A: Actually you are able to paste any html code within items.
For example:
var menuItems = [
["||<nobr><FORM method=GET action=''><input name='as_q' value='search
the web' size=15 style='font-size:10'> <INPUT type=hidden name=cof
value='LW:144;L:;LH:45;AH:center;GL:0;S:;AWFID:e01cb67b8afe383e;'> </form></nobr>","", "images/icons/search.gif", "", "", "", "", "2", "", "", "",],
["<a href='testlink.html'> test </a>","","",]