Recent Questions
Q: Do you have a few examples of how to create clickable links for html popup?
A: You can find such example here:
See how you should write your link:
<a class=sampleLink title="Click to open sample" href="javascript:;"
onClick="'safari', 'New Popup window', '#2: Popup window',
opacity=0.95,floatable=no', 'windows_safari')">Click here to open</a>Q: For some strange reason the border that outlines the java script tab area is missing.
A: You cannot set this border using Deluxe Tabs parameters.
You should set it in the DIVs style.
<div id="ExpenseInformation" style="visibility: visible; width: '800px'; border: 1 solid;" class="tabPage">
Or in the "tabPage" style.
Q: I tried to add a fixed width on some of the items that I thought had too much empty space on the right of the text but would not work. Is it possible to have a fixed amount of pixels after the text for all navigation items of the css drop-down menu?
A: You can set padding parameter in the following way:
var itemPadding="3px 15px 3px 3px";
top right bottom leftQ: How does the search engine stuff work. A web developer told me to stay away from java script if you want google to recognize your webpage.
Can you comfort me by telling me how it works.
A: Spiders can't read dynamically-generated Javascript code, so theycan't read menu links.
Search engine friendly means that you can add additional html codewithin your html page. You can generate such a code using Deluxe TunerGUI that you can find in the trial menu package. But if you'll use themenu without any additional html code, spider won't see menu links.