Recent Questions
Q: The drop-down submenus are now going "up" instead of "down" in the drop down menus in javascript.
A: Set the following parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: I follow the installation instructions, but I’m getting the error "dmObjectsCheck is undefined" in my javascript popup menu.
What is it wrong?
A: You should open your data file in Deluxe Tuner and save it.
Check also that you've set the following parameter:
var shadowLen="0";
Q: Thank you for the information. I have been successful in getting the drop down menu select to appear on my index.htm file.
I'm having some problems fine tuning it. I placed the code and files as indicated on the file. What I get is a menu appearing at the top of the page and a link titled: Trial Version where I want the menu to appear.
The other problem I am having is that the drop down menu select is left justified and I would like it to be centered on my page (table).
A: Check that you're using relative position for the drop down menu select. You shouldset:
var absolutePos=0;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";
Q: A lot of things have come in between... Just a few more Q's before I order.
At the bottom of the page you refer to below, there is a table showing the tmenuItems array, itemInd and " submenuInd ". But in the examples on the same page, the function "dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex" takes the arguments (menuInd, itemInd). Is the argument "menuInd" the same as "submenuInd" referred to in the javascript menu design??
When I highlight an item on "onload" I need to expand that item's parent(s), right? What will happen to other, already expanded nodes when I do that? Will they still be expanded or collapsed?
A: 1) menuInd is the index of a tree menu on a page, >= 0.
First menu - menuInd=0
Second menu - menuInd=1
Third menu - menuInd=2
Fourth menu - menuInd=3
2) Yes, the already expanded nodes will be expanded.