Recent Questions
Q: When a user click on an item in the dhtml side menu I need to target the execution of that link to a different IFrame in the same page, is that supported?
A: Set the following parameter:
var titemTarget="name";
where name is the name of your Iframe.
You can also specify the target for each item individually:
["|Home","testlink.htm", "default.files/icon1_s.gif", "default.files/icon1_so.gif", "", "Home Page Tip", "name", "", "", "", ],
Q: I currently have the menus set to show the selected item in white and the non-selected items in blue.
However, I can only choose one item in each menu.
Is there any way to choose multiple items from a single ajax drop down menu and have all of selected items show white? If so, what option do I need to enable for the ajax drop down menu?
Programmatically, I think it would be similar to something to:
dm_ext_setPressedItem (1,1,1);
dm_ext_setPressedItem (1,1,2);
A: No, Deluxe Menu doesn't has a feature to highlight multiple items now.
Actually you can use the following function:
function dm_ext_changeItem (menuInd, submenuInd, itemInd, iParams)
You can create Individual Item Style with style of selected item andusing this function assign it for the items you want to highlight
dm_ext_changeItem(0, 0, 1, ["Deluxe Menu Info", "", "", "", "ajax drop down menu hint",,"1"]);
Q: How many of the menus (templates) allow for a javascript float menu?
A: Actually all templates can float, you should only set the followingparameters:
var floatable=1;
var floatIterations=5;
var floatableX=1;
var floatableY=1;
var floatableDX=15;
var floatableDY=15;
You can find a javascript float menu sample here:
Q: If there is a possibility to change the dhtml dropdown menus?
A: You should use API functions.
dtreet_ext_changeItem (menuInd, itemID, itemParams)
More info you can find here: