Recent Questions
Q: Hi I have a menu item which has a word wrap on it. The word wrap it auto so instead of saying the following
Sickline Call
It says
Sickline Call 123
I need to put either spaces in the title to level it out or a carage return
A: You can use any <html> code within menuItems, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Sickline Call<br>123456789","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: When doing a mouseover over the menu options, the java menu web submenus are supposed to all drop down. However, some of the submenus go up instead of down. How do I fix that?
A: You should set the following java menu web parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: I was wonder if there was a way to have the css tree view already expanded with I open the page the menu is on instead of having to expanded every time.
A: The following parameter expands all menu items by default:
var texpanded=1;Q: I would like to create navigation menu where the background is transparent until you move the mouse over itwhen it turns to a color. I erased the first color number from the list and that worked, but when I scrolled the mouse over the links, the background stayed light blue even though the mouse was no longer over them. Is there a way to let the background start transparent, turn light blue when the mouse is over it, then go back to transparent after the mouse is off it?
A: You can use transparent parameter, for example:
var itemBackColor=["transparent","#4792E6"];