Recent Questions
Q: In IE7 I see the link on the top and no horizontal menu items on my page.
In Firefox it will work fine.
Can you help me to get the Solution?
A: Your browser has JavaScript option disabled.
It means that no one JavaScript element can be run.
You should to enable JavaScript in IE:
Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Custom level... -> Scripting -> Active Scripting = Enable
There is no way to enable these preferences automatically, in othercase there are no reasons to create security preferences.
You can use search engine friendly code, so you'll see all yourlinks (for the main items and submenus) when your security settings in IE doesn't allow Javascript.
You can generate search engine friendly code.
Deluxe Menu is a search engine friendly menu since v1.12.
To create a search engine friendly menu you should add additional html code within your html page:
<div id="dmlinks">
<a href="">menu_item_text1</a>
<a href="">menu_item_text2</a>
To generate such a code use Deluxe Tuner application.
You can find this GUI in the trial package.
Run Tuner, load your horizontal menu and click Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code (F3).
Q: I've tried that in my dhtml menu maker and it keeps going to the bottom of the list. That's why I emailed my question. I had read the part of drag and drop, but it doesn't seem to work. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if my software is corrupted somewhere. Everything else seems to work correctly.
Any other ideas or why it owuld do that?
A: Click on the item you want to move.
Move your mouse in the correct place (holding left mouse button).
Wait till you'll have gray line in the place where you want to insertthe item and release mouse button.
Q: Well I figured all of that out but now I have a new problem.The content of the textarea tabs is not displaying in IE.
A: See, it is not correctly to use submenus in tabMode=0.
Now you have:
var bmenuItems = [
["Why Choose Frictionsweb?","content1", "", "", "", "Why choose Frictionsweb Premium Internet Services?", "", "", "", ],
["|Our Services","content2", "", "", "", "We handle your project from the ground up!", "", "", "", ],
var bmenuItems = [
["Specials","content3", "", "", "", "Great Deals from Frictionsweb!", "", "", "", ],
["|Our Services","content4", "", "", "", "We handle your project from the ground up!", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Try to write your bmenuItems in the following way:
var bmenuItems = [
["Why Choose Frictionsweb?","content1", "", "", "", "Why choose Frictionsweb Premium Internet Services?", "", "", "", ],
["Our Services","content2", "", "", "", "We handle your project from the ground up!", "", "", "", ],
var bmenuItems = [
["Specials","content3", "", "", "", "Great Deals from Frictionsweb!", "", "", "", ],
["Our Services","content4", "", "", "", "We handle your project from the ground up!", "", "", "", ],
["-","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I am evaluating your product and would like to display my top menu without a border, but have the dropdown (child menus) all have a border and shadow.
If I change the menuBorderWidth to anything but 0, I get a menu on both the top menus and dropdowns. I need a topBorderWidth and a childBorderWidth.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
A: Yes, you can do it.
Please, set:
var menuBorderWidth=0;
To set border for submenus you should use Individual Submenu styles, for example:
var menuStyles = [
     ["menuBorderWidth=1","menuBorderColor=#9A9CA7"], //style 0
var menuItems = [
     ["Home","testlink.html", , , , , , , , ],
     ["Product Info","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", , , , , , ],
         ["|Features","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", , , , "0", , ], //style 0
     ["Samples","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", , , , , , ],
         ["|Sample 1","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", , , , "0", , ], //style 0
         ["|Sample 2 is Disabled","testlink.html", "default.files/icon6.gif", "default.files/icon6o.gif", , "_", , "-1", , ],
You should assign style for the first item in the submenu.