Recent Questions
Q: Am I under the correct assumption that if the inner menu item text expands past the ItemWidth or MenuWidth (being that the Width is set -- eg 150px), that the javascript menu div width will expand past it's boundaries instead of wrapping the text? (eg. A text like "Please Make this Wrap instead of expand the width boundary" seems to expand the container's width rather than wrap)
A: There are 2 ways to do that:
1. set
var noWrap=0;
2. use <br> tags, for example:
var menuItems = [
["line 1<br>line 2"],
Q: Can we right justify the secondary nav?
If so, can you send instructions on how. Thanks.
A: You should set the following parameters:
var titemAlign = "right";
var ticonAlign = "right";
Q: The buttons show up just fine in IE, but not in the other browsers. I am using Frontpage for my html.
A: Your file names are incorrect.
For example, now you have:
Button gold side 2 NEW.GIF
Button purple side 2 NEW.GIF
Firefox and Opera cannot open a file with blanks in the name.
Please, rename your files, for example:
Your menu will work fine.
Q: Is it possible for a javascript navigation barr item to have an associated "target"?
What I mean is I'd like to be able to open the page in a new window, so I'd need to specify the href as well as "target=_new" (in HTML anyway).
A: You can set target parameter for all items:
var itemTarget="_blank";
Where main - is the name of the main middle frame where you want to open the link.
or for each item individually:
["Home","testlink.html", "", "", "", "_blank", "", "", "", "", "", ],