Recent Questions
Q: I've tried that in my dhtml menu maker and it keeps going to the bottom of the list. That's why I emailed my question. I had read the part of drag and drop, but it doesn't seem to work. Don't know if I'm doing something wrong, if my software is corrupted somewhere. Everything else seems to work correctly.
Any other ideas or why it owuld do that?
A: Click on the item you want to move.
Move your mouse in the correct place (holding left mouse button).
Wait till you'll have gray line in the place where you want to insertthe item and release mouse button.
Q: What is the purpose of the blank image file in the Parameters panel of the create dhtml menu software?
Also, would you please direct me to a site or documentation that would provide information on such details?
A: If you won't use some images in the menu for examplearrows the blank image will be used.
So, you should set correct path to it.
You can find all documentation on our website. Can I just have the date displayed without the time in the javascript popup calendar
A: You cannot hide time from the calendar templates.
But you can chose the output data format.
See more info:
calendarDatePicker.handlers( ['txt', 'txt', {type : 'date', format: '%d-%m-%Y'}] );
The result will be: 12-02-2009 Q: ["item text", "javascript:your_code_here", ...]
This won't work the java script executes when the link is clicked it is not the link itself.
Below is what I normally use and how would I incorporate that?
<a onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','490','400','yes');return false;" href="web/equipment/hydraulic_truck.htm">
A: I'm not sure I understand you.
You can use
code in an item link:
["text", "javascript:NewWindow(url,'name','490','400','yes');"]
But if you don't want that, you can just insert <a> into an item text.