Recent Questions
Q: Is there a way to have an automatic line-break for large submenu items?
I'd prefer not to have scroll bars but automatic line break of long items.
A: Try to add the following parameter in your data file
var tnoWrap=0;
Q: Thank you. I got the menu working on my web page.
Now, I have to pass dynamic value from the link when the user click the floating javascript menu.
I was using a table type of menu and passing value like this
<td onclick="document.iframename.location.href='abc.jsp?value1=<%value1%>&value2=<%value2%>Click here</td>
What should I do to the deluxe-menu to get the same action?
I need to pass value to next page. The value is dynamic, so I have to use <%value1%> notation for JSP file.
A: Actually you can use your own Javascript code instead standard links. For example:
var menuItems = [
["text", "javascript:your_code_here"]
var menuitems = [
["<div onClick='your_code_here'>item text</div>", ""]
Q: Hi there. I need to be able to customize the x & y coordinates of each submenu in the javascript horizontal menu. I don't see such a control in the GUI interface. How can I do this?
A: Unfortunately it is not possible to set these parameters for eachsubmenu individually. You can set them for all submenus.
Use the following parameters ('Positioning' section):
var topDX=0;
var topDY=1;
var DX=-5;
var DY=0;
Q: Now I wonder what I have to do in my script to make dhtml sub menu be displayed horizontal instead of vertical. I want them to display vertical be left - aligned and be shown by a white Background. How can I achieve this?
A: You should set the following parameters:
var smColumns=0;
var smOrientation=1; //horizontal orientation of submenus
set white backcolor for submenus
"itemBorderColor=#FFFFFF,", "fontColor=#404040,#404040","fontDecoration=none,underline"],