Recent Questions
Q: Is this something I can adjust ...or make submenus were you can't see through them?
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var transparency=100;
Q: We have two frames in a frameset, one for the menu and one for the content where the javascript menu frame expands normally without any problem. Our content frame's source is determined dynamically. The problem occurs when the content frame contains a page with another frameset in it. Unfortunately we can not avoid this for now. And when this happens our menu stops expanding.
A: Unfortunately it is really possible that you'll have problems in thatcase because the index of the content frame will be changed.
For example now you have:
<frameset id="frmSet">
<frame> //menu index=0
<frame> //content index=1
Your init function will be:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 1, 0);
But if you'll have frameset instead of content frame:
<frameset id="frmSet">
<frame> //menu index=0
<frame> // index=1
<frame> //content index=2
You should write your init function in the following way:
dm_initFrame("frmSet", 0, 2, 0);
You should change your javascript menu frame init function in that case.
Q: I have small problems with your javascript menu system.
#1. I am creating a multi-level menu, am I limited to a gird format or can every item have a variable column width?
#2. With submenus, I want to have the submenu be the same width as the parent cell, is there a simple command for this, or do I have to guess the column widths until it fits correctly?
#3. In those same submenus, I have items that are longer than the parent, is there a word wrap or a way to define a break, rather than having the scroll feature?
A: 1) You should use Individual Item Styles.
For example:
var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=120","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#ACF88B,#ACF88B","itemBorderColor=#329309,#329309"], //style0
["itemWidth=100","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF","itemBorderColor=#1B92E9,#1B92E9"], //style1
["itemWidth=130","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#FF9684,#FF9684","itemBorderColor=#EC7575,#EC7575"], //style2
["itemWidth=150","itemBorderWidth=1","itemBorderStyle=solid,solid","itemBackColor=#84F9FF,#84F9FF","itemBorderColor=#00B8C1,#00B8C1"], //style3
var menuStyles = [
["smColumns=2"], //style0
["|Group 1","", , , , , "0", , , ],
["|Group 2","", , , , , "1", , , ],
["|Group 3","", , , , , "2", , , ],
[" More Samples","testlink.htm"],
["|Group 1","", , , , , "3", "0", , ],
["|Group 2","", , , , , "1", , , ],
Where "0", "1", "2", "3" - style number in itemStyles.
2) You can also use Individual Item Styles.
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [
["Product Info","", "default.files/icon1.gif", "default.files/icon1o.gif", , , "0", , , ], // itemStyles
["|Features","testlink.html", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", , , , "0", , ],
["|Installation","", "default.files/icon2.gif", "default.files/icon2o.gif", , , , , , ], // menuStyles
3) Try to set this parameter:
var noWrap=0;
Q: Is it possible to make the menuitems rightclickable in the latest version of Deluxemenu. I want to rightclick on the drop down menu in javascript item and choose open in new window.
A: No, there is no such a feature in Deluxe Menu v3.2.7.
You can write your item in the following way:
["|<a href=''>test test test</a>",""],
But you should assign style for this link. {
} {