Recent Questions
Q: Question is where in the data file configuration or within the menu Tuner would I inseart the icons for individual item labels and center them over the text or other alignments like you did in the horizontal menu on the web site?
A: You should write, for example, so:
["<img src='data.files/micon1.gif' width=32 height=32><br> Home","testlink.html", , ,"" , , , , , ],
Q: If you click a list drop menu link in the tree that opens a new page, for example, Solutions:By Type:Psuedo Wire , the link, Psuedo Wire, remains highlighted.
If you click a line that targets _self, for example, Solutions: By Type: T1 Extender, the link does not remain highlighted. My web app will need highlighting and all links will target _self. I have to solve this problem soon or else look elsewhere.
A: It is normal behaviour, your list drop menu can save its state within one page only.
You can try to use frames, and open pages in the content frame. Also you can use aserver-side script (php, asp, vb, etc.) to generate html pages fromtemplates on your server (we use this method on our website
You should set a pressed item using Javascript API:
function apyt_ext_setPressedItem(menuInd, itemID)
<script type="text/javascript"><br>
var i = 4 //index of the selected item
function setPressed()
dtreet_ext_setPressedItem(0,dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex(0, i));
To expand specific items you should use the following function: dtreet_ext_expandItem (dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex (0, 11), 1);
Q: What command that I use the HTML code that will be showing in the html javascript popup to close window?
A: Try to use the following functions to show and hide popup window:
For example you should write:
["","javascript:deluxePopupWindow.make('window', '', '#1: Google Web site', 'width=590,height=350,resizable,scrollbars,minimizable,fullscreen,centerscreen,move-effect=top,,opacity=1,floatable=yes', 'default')","icon.gif"]
Notice also that you should move the following code from your data file on your html page directly inside SCRIPT tags:
<script type="text/javascript">
See more info: I develop with a mac and I would like to know if your navigation bar maker is mac compatible?
A: You should download free trial version on MAC.
So, you'll have MAC version of Deluxe Menus:
And use the licensed engine files from the licensed .zip
(you candownload it from the link in your license message).
Unfortunately we don't have html version of the Tuner for Deluxe Tree
Deluxe Tabs, Deluxe Css Menu now. We'll try to create it in the nearest future.
You can find all templates for Deluxe Tree, Deluxe Tabs, Popup Window, Calendar
in thetrial package and on our sites.
More info about installation and parameters you can find on our websites: