Recent Questions
Q: I have made use of the Ajax function in Deluxe Menu. It has made maintenance of a rather complex menu system a lot easier.
I went to generate a Site Map in dhtml menu builder today and realized a shortcoming of using Ajax submenus, the Site Map doesn't show Ajax submenus.
It would be great to have an option in the Generate Site Map (as well as Google XML and Google Search) to include Ajax submenus for a complete picture of the web site.
A: Unfortunately there are such problems with saving of AJAX submenus.
It is not possible to save AJAX submenus in Deluxe Tuner now and it is not possible tocreate search engine friendly code and sitemap for the AJAX submenus.
We'll try to add such features in the future versions of Deluxe Tuner.Q: Can I install the menu using my buttons? I might be able to do it if the buttons used only one image, but they use two images. One is light and the other dark.
I also have some questions:
1) Will the menu stay in view when the user scrolls down?
2) I'm not even sure I care if the menu stays in view, because I believe that is done using php and is not good for SEO. The file that the search engines see is index.html while the file that visitors see is home.php. I think it would be better for SEO to have a normal .html page. Are you able to do that?
A: See how you should make image-based menus: if item text is empty, icon fields will be used as item images.
For example:
["", "index.html", "menu1a.gif", "menu1b.gif", "Home Page"]
1) You should use floatable feature.
See the following parameter:
var floatable=1;
2) You can generate search engine friendly code using Deluxe Tuner:
"Tools/Generate SE-friendly Code".
Q: I know I can fix the width of the entire (horizontal) menu. But is there a way to fix the width of each Item in the menu? I would like each Item to be the same width.
A: Please, try to specify units in "px", for example.
var menuWidth = "600px";
It's necessary to specify exact value for Mozilla browsers. It helpsto position menus correctly.
Try to set individual style for item width:
var itemStyles = [
var menuItems = [
["Text1","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self", "0", , , ],
["Text2","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self", "0", , , ],
["Text3","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self", "0", , , ],
["Text4","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self", "0", , , ],
["Text5","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self", "0", , , ],
Q: The page that I am creating lists out notes from our system - there is a "options" button to the right of each note - when the cursor hovers over this button I want to dynamically load the drag drop menu.
A: You can try to use pop up drag drop menu.
You may also generate a menus from a database or XML using any server-side script, e.g., PHP, ASP, VB, etc.