Recent Questions
Q: How does an item on the simple html menu connect to pages?
A: You should create menu items in the Deluxe Tuner and specify link and target for each item, for example:
var menuItems = [
["Upcoming Trainings","", "", "", "", "_self", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Conferences & Workshops","upcoming-workshops.html", "", "", "", "_blank", "", "", "", "", "", ],
["Continuing Ed","ceu.html", "", "", "", "main", "", "", "", "", "", ],
Q: I haven’t had any problems using the drop line menu, until now when I had to make some changes. After adding some sub-menu items on two of the drop line menu buttons, those menu’s drop down upwards, instead of downwards like the rest. I tried deleting them and remaking them, but then the menu appeared to have no image behind it, only a colour. So I duplicated a working menu item, and then modified it to be what I wanted – and it still drop down upwards!
A: Please check the following drop line menu parameter:
var subMenuVAlign="top";
Q: All links in navigation bar examples open in a new window even when they're configured to open in the same page (or another frame).
A: Check the following parameters:
var itemTarget="_self";
["menu item","link.htm", "", "","Tip", "_self", "", "", "", "", "", ],Q: I got your non-profit license a couple of days ago and I’m putting all the pieces together. I appreciate the license. I am having a problem with css styles. I have my site set up with css but can’t figure out how to get deluxe menu to see the css. I have read through the help and examples. I feel so dense. When I set the parameter to 1 what else do I need to see the styles?
A: We have several examples of the menus using css.
You should set var cssStyle=1; parameter and then assign your stylesto the items.
var cssSubmenu is a CSS class name for all submenus. You can set, forexample, background color, background image, borders for all submenus.
var cssItem is CSS class names for all items (normal state, mouseoverstate) in the top menu and submenus.
var cssItemText is CSS class names for text of all items (normalstate, mouseover state) in the top menu and submenus.
It's possible to appoint individual CSS styles for separate elements of the menu using individual item styles and individual submenu styles.