Menu Qui Suit La Scrollbar by
Menu Qui Suit La Scrollbar

Menu Screenshots

Menu Qui Suit La Scrollbar Dynamic Menu Items


Cost Effective
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • UL/LI items structure
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
Cool Menu Examples Menu Qui Suit La Scrollbar
Professional Look-n-feel
  • Entirely customizable look-n-feel
  • A lot of pre-designed menu qui suit la scrollbar samples
  • Hundreds of visual effects
  • Custom CSS styles can be applied for all menu settings
Seamless Integration
  • Cross-frame support - menus work on frameset-based pages
  • Visible over flash, select boxes, iframes, java applets
  • Multiple menus on the same page
  • Amicable to other scripts and css styles
  • Any HTML code can be used inside menu items
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your menu qui suit la scrollbar menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing

2.0 Buttons by v3.0.0

Javascript Menu. DHTML Menu.

  • Use images for backgrounds of submenus and items, icons, arrows. Using web images you can create menus completely based on graphics.
  • Design both horizontal and vertical menus and submenus with any amount of menus on a single page.
  • Place any HTML code inside the menu item - be it a flash-object, form, picture, or text. This ability lets you to build various menus of any complexity.
  • Submenus can be shown in 4 ways: - From left to right and also from left to right + upwards. - From right to left and also from right to left + upwards (e.g. for right-to-left languages).

Recent Questions

Q: I want to have the pop up window display as you mouse over an image/link - is this possible?

A: For example you want to open a popup onMouseover, onClick or
onMouseout on a link.

So, you should create a link on your page and set id="" for it, forexample:

<a href="javascript:;" id="link">Open popup OnClick</a>
<a href="javascript:;" id="over">Open popup OnMouseover</a>
<a href="javascript:;" id="out">Open popup OnMouseOut</a>

In Deluxe Tuner you should set:
onMouseOver - over
onMouseOut - out
onClick - link

So you'll have


Q: I'm trying to set the z-index of a popup menu javascript. Can I do this in the data.js file?

A: Deluxe Menu has very high z-index - z-index:999999.

Actually you can find this code in dmenu.js file and change.

Q: I'm am try to use your Deluxe drop down menu generator and can not get it to work..

A: Unfortunately we don't have step by step tutorial yet.
We'll try to create it in the nearest time.

1. Create your menu in Deluxe Tuner.

When you open Deluxe Tuner you can click "File/New"and add items and subitems using buttons "Add Item" and "Add Subitem" onthe main window.
You should set items and subitems parameters on the "Item Parameters"window.
See also other parameters for the menu on the main window.

More info about menu parameters you can find on our site

You can also use Individual Styles for items and subitems

2. You should install the menu on your page.
You can click, for example, File/Export to HTML.

So, you'll have folder with all engine files and images("Deluxe-menu.files/" folder by default), Deluxe-menu.html file anddata-Deluxe-menu.js file with all menu parameters.

Open Deluxe-menu.html file in any text editor and copy several rows ofcode into your page (for example index.html page of your website).

Copy and paste several rows into your html page (index.html).

<!-- Deluxe Menu -->
<noscript><a href="">drop down menu generator by</a></noscript>
<script type="text/javascript">  var WorkPath="Deluxe-menu.files/";</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="Deluxe-menu.files/dmenu.js"></script>

<tr><td><script type="text/javascript" src="Deluxe-menu.files/data-Deluxe-menu.js"></script></td></tr> //data-Deluxe-menu.js - data file
created in
Deluxe Tuner.

You should also copy "Deluxe-menu.files/" folder with all engine files
and data-Deluxe-menu.js file into the same folder with your index.html page.

Try that.

Q: We use the state saving feature of your menu on our site. I wanted to know if this implements cookies at all, or how it interacts with visitors to the site. This is only so we can have an accurate privacy policy.

A: Deluxe Tree saves it's state using cookies.