Recent Questions
Q: I have a quick question: I have an iframe menu item (see note 1) for the dhtml menu sample,
and when I click a link in that iframe, I would like to close the menu.
Is this possible, perhaps by using a javascript call?
A: You couldn't close the menu, you can only hide it.
You can try touse the following code to hide the menu.
["||test menuitem
<iframe src='test.php' onClick='document.getElementById(\'dm0m0\').style.visibility=\'hidden\';'
></iframe>","", , , , ,"0" , , , ],
You can also place your Iframe in DIV tag with indents.
["||test menuitem
<div style='padding: 10px;'><iframesrc='test.php'
onClick='document.getElementById(\'dm0m0\').style.visibility=\'hidden\';'></iframe></div>","", , , , ,"0" , , , ],
Q: I would like to have submenu’s border to be the same for first and second level of submenu.
“Management” item goes over “Staff” item.
I want the same for “Staff” over “Provincial Office”
A: Try to set the following parameters:
//------- Submenu Positioning -------
var topDX = 0;
var DX = 0;
Q: Although our college standard is IE, a lot of our students use firefox. I tried the css drop menu in Firefox 2, and it works, but the nice transition effect isn't there. Will you make this work soon?
A: Transparency and other transitional effects are supported by IE 5.5+only. This is MS IE feature. Other browsers don't support them.
Q: When I open my site in Internet Explorer 6.0 the main drop menu code shows up nicely but the drop-down sub-menus are separated. The drop menu code work very nicely in a Firefox browser but not in IE.
A: There are some problems also with your css.The problem is that the drop menu code can't get css properties of the object if they are described in separate .css block (or file).
In other words, you can't get the value of "position" attribute of the object if the object doesn't have this property within inline style(style="position:relative"). To get the value you should move .css style into style="" attribute.
Please, try to add your
css file -> inline css, for example:
You should add style="position:relative;"
to the
<DIV id="right">
So, you'll have:
<DIV id=right style="POSITION: relative;">
Check that.