Recent Questions
Q: I can't get Cyrillic text in my free javascript dropdown menu. Where's the problem.
A: I've just checked an application. I can use Cyrillic text in Web Buttons.
Click "Font" button in the text dialog and select Script : Cyrillic.
Q: I've noticed something strange in the Deluxe Tree and I am wondering if this is normal.
Here's an example I have in my "data.js" file to populate the javascript ajax tree:
var tmenuItems = [
["Mes alertes/My alerts","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", "", ],
["|Francais","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeFr.js", ],
["|English","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeEn.js", ],
Here's basically how it goes:
- Basically the "0" represents a pre-built style that I have set for the root of my tree.
- Under this are the first child of the root called "Francais" and "English" which I link with a JS file to populate (Because the users will customize the alerts they want to see).
This works perfectly fine. But it is a workaround. Let me explain what I wanted in the first place:
var tmenuItems = [
["Mes alertes ","", "", "", "", "", "", "0", "", " js/AjaxTreeFr.js ", ],
["My alerts","", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "js/AjaxTreeEn.js", ],
Basically I wanted to have 1 javascript ajax tree with 2 root items "Mes alertes" and "My alerts" but it seems impossible to attach a js file to the root of the tree view. (It doesn't get populated).
Any ideas?
A: See AJAX feature won't work for first-level in XP style now.
It works if you use:
var tXPStyle=0;
Q: One more doubt, How can I mention the Text font style like BOLD, Italic..... in javascript pop up menu?
A: You can set your font size in Deluxe Tuner.
//--- Font
var fontStyle="bold 11px Arial";
var fontColor=["#000000","#FFFFFF"];
Q: I created a button set and saved the project. I was able to open it for a while, but now every time I try to open the data file it gives me this message: Access violation at address 004AACF7 in module 'deluxetuner.exe'. Read of address 00A78000. Is there anything you can help me with?
A: You used Individual Item Styles for the main items, but there was noindividual style in your parameters.
["Home","http:/", , , , "_self", "0", , , ],
["About us","http:/", , , , "_self", "0", , , ],