Recent Questions
Q: We have a problem. If the "sub menus" open downward (in a horizontal menu) and there is Flash under it, the menu disappears. It goes BEHIND the flash and can't be seen.
Is there a fix for this?
I honestly don't recall it happening before but it now does. I probably didn't pay attention. Thank you!
A: Please, check that you've set the following parameter:
var dmObjectsCheck=1;
Please, use dmenu_add.js file.For more info, please, see:
Q: I've just updated my menu from 2.4 to 3.2. All is fine except two of my java script pop up menu (vertical) appear on the left instead of the right, all the others pop out to the right as before. I've tried saving it as a completely different file name, same problem, both within a browser and within your preview pane.
Any help would be much appreciated, I'm at a loss.
A: You can try to change the following parameter:
var subMenuAlign="left";
You can also send us a direct link to your website, so we can check it.
Q: We use IFrames and Frameset through out our program. Will Deluxe-Menu and Deluxe-Tabs work for us.
Will this work for us, using the layout below. Menu will be in frame3 and tabs in frame4. Should pop up in frame5.
<frame> <frame1> <frame2>
<frame3-Deluxe-Menu> <frame4-Deluxe-Tabs>
<frame5 - Content and more IFrames and Framesets>
A: Deluxe Menu doesn't work with <IFrame> objects. It works with<frameset> objects only. All it can to do with <IFrame> is to loadpages into it.
You should use standard installation for the menu (cross-frame mode).
See more info here:
Deluxe Menu and Deluxe Tabs will work fine in such frame structure.
Q: How can I center my navigation java script menu bar within my HTML page? I have tried putting the script into a table that is centered. I have also changed the var menuWidth to 800px. The navigation bar is still right-justified instead of centered in both IE and Firefox/Mozilla.
A: Now you use absolute position for the java script menu bar:
var absolutePos=1;
var posX="0px";
var posY="0px";
You should set:
var absolutePos=0;