Recent Questions
Q: How do I add padding around a top item in the javascript menu buttons?
A: You should specify itemPadding parameter in "px".
You shouldadd "px" in your style for subitems:
var menuStyles = [
Notice also that you can set multiple value for itemPadding parameter,for example:
itemPadding=4px 10px 4px 10px// top right bottom left
Q: I'm using the deluxe-tree.
On the top of the tree there is a title. When i click onthe title the whole menu collapse. How can i disable this option ?
I want to keep the collapse option for the css menu tree when i click on the collapse button but not when i click on the title.
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var texpandItemClick=0;
Q: Is there a way to increase the time the hint of drop down menu dynamic stays on the screen?
A: No this is standard hint, there is no way to increase the time it stayson the screen.
Q: I am sure this is a pretty minor thing…When one of my dhtml menu dropdown items is a link to a url, is there a setting to change the cursor to a hand versus the normal arrow? Basically, I want the links of the dhtml menu dropdown items to look like most other links on any webpage.
A: Try to set the following parameter:
var itemCursor="pointer";