Recent Questions
Q: Can you tell me if I can eliminate the transparent look of the dhtml rollover?
When the menu drops down over text, you can see the text.
What can Ido to fix it.
A: You should set the following parameter:
var transparency="100";
Q: Is it possible to populate a drop down menu trees from a mysql database?
If so do you have an example please before I go ahead and try/purchase.
A: Unfortunately we don't have working example.
Only this example:
You can use trial version to test the menu at first. Trial version has full functionalityexcept "Trial Version" nag.Q: I've tried to change the width of the images within the Deluxe Tuner program to do so. Can you please tell me where to find the configuration within the program?
Thanks again for your help.
A: You can't change images in Deluxe Tuner. You should do it in anygraphics editor, for example in CorelDraw or PhotoShop.
Q: In the javascript pulldown menu submenu width seems not to work in FF...
A: You should specify units in "px".
var itemStyles = [
var menuStyles = [