Dhtml Netbook Remix Menu by Deluxe-Menu.com
Dhtml Netbook Remix Menu

Menu Screenshots

Dhtml Netbook Remix Menu How To Make Collapsible Menus


Unrivalled Features
  • Scrollable, dragable, floating, right-click menus
  • Keyboard navigation - press Ctrl+F2 to enter the menu
  • Unique Java Script API for altering menu "on-the-fly", without page reloading
  • AJAX technology - loads menu data from the server "on-fly and on-demand".
  • Search feature - add the search area in the menu and type symbols. The found words will be higlighted.
  • Sound support!
Cost Effective
Javascript Menu Horizontal Tabs Dhtml Netbook Remix Menu
High Performance
  • AJAX menu loading - loads web menu data from the server "on-the-fly".
  • Commonly loads quicker than other html page elements
  • UL/LI items structure
  • Runs well with an unlimited number of submenus and items
  • Full cross-browser compatibility including IE, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox, Konqueror and Safari on Windows, Mac OS and Linux
  • Menu can be populated from a database using ASP, PHP, etc.
  • Search engine friendly
  • Support for any doctypes
  • Fits for secure sites
  • Section 508 compliant
Easy Setup
  • De Luxe Tuner. GUI interface to create your dhtml netbook remix menu menus easily and in no time
  • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing

2.0 Buttons by Web-Buttons.com v3.0.0

Javascript Menu. DHTML Menu.

  • Tune menu parameters manually or using Deluxe Tuner. Then add several rows of a code within html page - your menu is ready!
  • Use special JavaScript functions for: Dynamic changing of items (text, link, icons and even individual style!). Making a menu item active/inactive. Addition/removing of items. Changing of visibility of items. Getting the information on any menu, submenu and items. Other tricks.
  • Opportunity to control the menu from the keyboard.
  • Cross-frame mode allows you to build full-featured menus on the pages that use frame-based structure. But for all that it's not necessary to insert any additional code into all the pages - just specify some additional parameters of the menu.

Recent Questions

Q: I have placed my horizontal menu in javascript (1003 px width) in a table whose width is 1003px my dropdowns span from extreme left to extreme right (screen shots attached) by default the dropdown is leaving 20 pixels margins on both the ends which disturbs my layout. This happens when my screen resolution is 1024 x 768, when viewed in higher or wide screen monitors this problem does not arise. Please suggest a solution.

Appreciate your response.

A: This is space to document borders. We've set this space, so that yoursubmenus will not look like the part of browser window. If you wantyou can delete that space.

Open engine file for horizontal menu in javascript - dmenu.js - file in any text editor and find the following code:


Change 15 to 0.


Q: I am having some difficulty dynamically adding items to a tree javascript and menu.

I have a menu with one "root" item. I see the use of the "+" symbol within the item name. I do not see any documentation regarding this symbol, only "|". Can you explain?

If I have one menu with this one "root" node, how would I add an subitem to this root node?

Here is my code so far, but the inserted items appear to be at the same level as the root node.

  var rootItem = dtreet_ext_getItemIDByIndex ( 0,0 );

  var menuItem = new Array(10);
for (   var i = 0; i < producers.length; i++ )
  var producer = producers[ i ];
menuItem[0] = producer.name;

dtreet_ext_insertItem ( 0, 0, i + 1, menuItem );

A: See dtreet_ext_insertItem () function has the following parameters:

function dtreet_ext_insertItem (menuInd, parentItemID, itemInd, itemParams)

Creates a new item and inserts it into a specified position.
menuInd - index of a javascript and menu on a page, >= 0.
parentItemID - ID property of an item.<, >= 0.
itemInd - index of a new item within the javascript and menu, >= 0.
itemParams - item parameters.

Notice that parentItemID is the Id property of the parent item (notindex). If you want to add top items you should set parentItemID=0.

itemInd - you should use this parameter if you want to add item in thespecific place, for example set itemInd=5 if you want to add itembefore the existing item with itemInd=5.
If you set itemInd=null the new item will be added at the end of this submenu and its index will be added automatically.

Q: I am interested in this script


Is that possible that the "2nd" menu is activated with left click and to delete the "1st" menu.

A: Yes of course you can create any menu on your page.

See how you should call pop up menu
<img src="data-samples/images/popup_pic.gif" width=180 height=119 onClick="return dm_popup(1, 2000, event);" onContextMenu="return dm_popup(2, 2000, event);" style="cursor: pointer;">

To use one menu on you page you should write
<img src="data-samples/images/popup_pic.gif" width=180 height=119 onClick="return dm_popup(1, 2000, event);" style="cursor: pointer;">

You can create you own menu using Deluxe Tuner application or use thismenu.

Q: I changed the parameter from
  var dmObjectsCheck=0;
  var dmObjectsCheck=1;
in the data.js file
but it didn't change it;

I opened the dmenu_add.js file, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it?

I went to your sample page and I would like to add the item widths into mydata.js file, but each item is a different width. Would it be correct for meto do this?...

  var itemStyles = [

Or will I have to make all the main menu items/graphics the same width?

A: You don't have to change your dmenu_add.js file.
Please, place this file in the folder where your menu iscreated in.

Yes, you can set itemWidth for each main item.

Please, use Deluxe Tuner to create your individual styles.

You should write, for example, so:

  var itemStyles = [
["itemWidth=98px"], // style 0
["itemWidth=100px"], // style 1
["itemWidth=110px"], // style 2
["itemWidth=120px"], // style 3
["itemWidth=95px"], // style 4
  var menuItems = [

["","", "data.files/products.gif", "data.files/products_mo.gif", "Products", "_self","0" , , , ],

["","", "data.files/demoCenter.gif", "data.files/demoCenter_mo.gif", , ,"1", , , ],

["","", "data.files/resources.gif", "data.files/resources_mo.gif", , ,"2", , , ],

["","support.htm", "data.files/support.gif", "data.files/support_mo.gif", , "_self","4", , , ],

["","", "data.files/company.gif", "data.files/company_mo.gif", , , , , , ],];